Sunday, September 28, 2014

Resigned to a fate of late posts

        So! I suppose the title says all, but let me go through a few things in the past month or so that's been running through my head. Firstly, First game ran at a Con was a pretty good success I would say, though it would be for the players to say, and as far as I could tell, they seemed to like it :D Yay for that! And thank you to all, whom may read this or may not, to all the support and help with the game, "Druids of the Exiled" and be prepared for a new game to come, "Tome of the Nox Tyriinial". I just get all jittery thinking about it (queue Ryan's excited dance!). So that's a high note, now for something slightly more mellow and down to earth, my mega game, which I hesitate to hype up too much as I don't want false excitement leading to disappointment, don't want ourselves a Duke Nukem Forever, or whatever the title was that was a huge let down after almost 2 decades of waiting. The new game shall come though, and after a two year hiatus, which I will take unlike some of the skeptics and what they may say *cough Evan! cough cough* I don't even know if two years will be enough, but I suppose we'll see wont we?
        Something I've been battling with, and have had a very difficult time with, in all complete honesty, is the need to have players working alongside me as we enjoy the game together, I make the environment and spend countless, beer filled nights, working on campaigns and so forth, all this leads me to plead, please try and work with one another, with me, after which if it sucks, well sometimes sucky games just happen? No? I must say though I have had a massive amount of writers block pertaining to games and stories, I plan on my world having.......well read my previous blogs, you will get a very vivid picture, but as a little trailer, I think the next campaign will hopefully feature some of the most daunting and difficult challenges, and death, death will 100% be a real thing, it will be there, and no longer will the GM Rye guy, me :), be as forgiving, or I may be? WHO KNOWS! :) That's the glory of a long break, you just wont know what to expect, sure you guys may play my other games, which are equally as amazing, but some of you whom take longer breaks from seeing me, oh the surprises I have in store for you, in a way those that still stay in contact and attempt to get together with me are the lucky ones, they get to help me forge and build my world bigger, and the amazing steps that are made and the history they create, they will get to see it in 'Realmworks' or in future games, and have that smile of satisfaction at knowing they contributed to that. There is one person, one certain guy that has made a admirable effort to see me, and damn it all but I've been busy, suffice to say, I'll be paying extra attention to his amazingness, and will be contacting him soon for a game at my place on a Saturday, as I feel some quality and fun times are absolutely in order! You know who you are, and you'll be hearing from me soon, know that :D.
        Well I've been focusing soooo much on the game I'm preparing for in the future, that I've had little time to work or write more on the world of Entrathia, an issue I will most certainly rectify soon. I'm tired of the lack of attention I'm paying it, it's time to re-up and get to moving on said projects, I guess a lots happened, not much can be said for that other than it derailed the ever loving fuck out of me, and welp, time to get back on track! In any case I said a whole bunch of crap tonight, but I guess this is a thought on text of what's happened, where I'm going, and what I have planned. I have those crystallizing moments sometimes, and sometimes I just find I need far too much symbolism in my life and therefore games, Heh! Well back to the drawing board for games and shenanigans.