Sunday, April 3, 2016

We do what we must, because we can...

        Biggest load of shit I've ever heard. We do what we must because we fucking have too...
BUT, I'm not actually in that negative of a mood, more just reflecting on things. So a small update about the future of games and the like. There have been new additions and resurrections of old games taking place. I for one have thoroughly enjoyed having JonT rolling up a character with us. He's been fantastically inspiring and whatever next year brings, his presence was wonderful to have!

        But here's where it gets a little...tenuous, I'm sad to say. My new job is finally solidifying with changeovers and such, with that my actual shifts are soon approaching. Now if that sounds ominous it should frankly. I have no idea what my shifts will be, I don't know what days or even the hours apart from FT and with definite OT thrown in the mix. So that will leave VERY little else to do. This past year has been a flurry or different experiences, it's been fucking crazy, but damn I've loved it all...mostly...

        So in about 4-6 weeks, I'll be working this new job FT. Games will most likely be put on the back burner and so much of my personal pursuits will get put on hold. I honestly wish I could work FT like my previous job and have games and personal hobbies and activities intermixed. Unfortunately due to the fluctuating nature of the job involved, more likely many, most, games will come to a halt. It breaks my fucking heart but while this past year has been a flurry of new experiences, my well hoarded funds have been dwindling, to lower than dangerous depths. I know discussions of money are taboo, but ffs, its for that very reason that it's come to this. This doesn't necessarily mean everything will go to shit, I'm just giving a heads up.

        I hope that someday soon in the future I can have a career with more set hours, or perhaps this job will have a more set schedule I can plan around. Until I know with certainty I can only assume what I've been told. Gaming has been a massive part of my life, hell, it's me. I have lived and breathed gaming and all facets of. But now times are changing. I have, no I want a more stable life outside of this just-out-of-highschool lifestyle. Where I have a house, where my S.O. is happy and we can finally take a seat on our own owned porch and take a breath and say to each other "we finally have our own life, our own place, our own everything." So with that I must pursue more than the humdrum odd job or what have you, and as much as I wish gaming could be a full time career which would make more comfortable and sustain me for life, I don't see any avenues where that's a dream that's lived.

        So! Someday again I can allocate more time for games and organizing you friends together for games in one or more groups. For now, I have to look after keeping a roof over Miku and my head. Being able to buy groceries. Being able to afford health insurance and bills to be paid.

Really not much else to say,
Roll your luck roll,
I hope to hell it's a fucking prime number. ( : D