Monday, August 18, 2014

On to a lighter note

        So! I have officially, though it is yet to be seen, signed up for running a game on Saturday the 30th, at Pacificon Gaming Expo, or as I usually call it, Conquest. The game is not officially accepted, but hopefully, the great Grand Masters of Registration will see fit to accept my game proposal, and if people are interested enough, there will be a fairly good turn out, we shall see though. As of now the title is called "Druids of the Exiled" and it takes place, tentatively at 4 till 11. Though honestly this is my first go around running my own game, as PFS was already given to me and set up and all that jazz, so I guess, I've submitted it and here we go! As for me, I'm already becoming jittery and nervous just thinking about it, yes I may not be accepted, yes I may not have anyone show, but if it does happen and people show, oh man I'll be immensely nervous. I have GM'ed for you guys almost a decade now, and hopefully, while still anxiously, I await to see if I can hack it in the ring with random peeps, and hopefully some friends whom might show up ;3. Either way, next weekend, when Pacificon is happening, will prove to be a super fun and interesting time for me, here's to the future, may it be bright and full of dragons...that don't breathe fire upon me :D
As always
until next post, roll your D20

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