Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This is a Calling straight for my gamers and all other's are welcome!

        Bam!!!! This should say it all, guilds, factions, people coming together to be badasses and organize epic tournaments and wield ULTAMATE POWAAHH!! Now there are a good few guilds in my world, in fact there are more and more to come, iinterestinglyI think there will be so many Guilds, you will go Guild crazy and be so interested by all the guilds, or perhaps not. This post should be a relatively short one, though I'm counting on my endless readers and viewers =3 to fill in the blanks for me, perhaps in the comments? I am throwing around the idea to have a group, a Pathfinder crew, meet up not just in a tavern, oh no that is far too over done, it is time for something else. How would you all feel if I were to say you are in the same lower tiered status within a prestigious guild? Perhaps your characters found it high time to join a crew, to better yourselves, make oodles of coin, and to have the secured sanctity of somewhere you will always be welcome. Tell me my players, adventurers, pathfinders, how would you feel if I threw your characters in the fray of a guild, at the bottom level, unsure but ready to strike out, thereby meeting your companions. Perhaps you were orphaned and looking to make a name for yourself, Perhaps your father and mother sent you out into the wide world and your struggling to figure things out? Perhaps you were always adept with Arcana but were shunned by your village and seek somewhere or something to give you a leg up?
        You see, the reason I ask and am hesitant to is I have read a GREAT deal of articles and literature on the fact of starting players out in different scenarios, and one article/blog I read was how bothered the players were that they found themselves imprisoned right out of the gate. I understand those feelings and empathize with player, "Don't I get a role to try and escape? Would my character really find themselves in such a situation? They're lawful good for Earus' sake!" See I get that, sooooo hence my trepidation, for if you feel that it would be to constricting, that it doesn't make sense, that you would rather bugger off than be strapped to a guild, I get that and would therefore not force anyone to have to join any guild or order. But keep in mind I do it to try and tell a great story and enrich your characters, not kill you, I suppose I'll see how you all respond, but remember, in the beginning you're flat broke and weak as shit, it may behoove you to be part of a crew that can at least mostly guarantee your safety. Welp either way I will do my damnedest to make sure beginnings start smoothly and enjoyably....well perhaps not painlessly but still, invigorating! :D
As always my avid readers and players
Until next time,
Roll your D20
(Forgot to post that last post...or did I? Well there ya go :D)


  1. This sounds a lot like the factions in Pathfinder Society. In fact ... on of my original PFS characters... Moira o' Floinn is part of the Cheliax, House of Thrune faction ... now ... in this season ... 2014-2015; this house got absorbed by the Dark Faction society. Moira is still one of Zarta Dralneen's meat puppets.

  2. For some reason... that last link did not work ... Zarta Draleen

    1. Zarta is my kinda gal! Gotta love her cleavage ... her over-the-top soiree's and her penchant for all things Gothic ... Plus ... she tends to know her limits too!

  3. Later, I made a cleric ... Ursa ...Ursa is a member of the Silver Crusade The Silver Crusade is the antithesis of the Current Pathfinder Society and the Grand Lodge ... in that too many members of the Grand Lodge are attempting to use "the Good" for personal gain. The Silver Crusade appears to have found this out and is actively pursuing all things for the betterment of others ... Just as in the Dark Archive ... The Silver Crusade is made up of many independent minded individuals.

    1. Dark Archive tends toward Lawful Evil. The Silver Crusade tends towards Lawful Good. In spite of all of this ... they both strive for independence and for a furtherance of their respective charters.

  4. Ok Dad thank you for the comments, BUT remember home games are NOT convention games, never have nor will they ever be. With that said I get the idea, from the other ppl whom had not added their cheery comments that this would be acceptable to most. Which I am glad for, because I may wish to try throwing you guys in a guild and seeing how the game develops. In any case thank you Dad, and to everyone else.......those few, (laughs to self), please do not hesitate to pipe in!
