Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It is fucking hard being a GM. long post, I think it's worth it to those playing my games or are players...

Nuff said...
        BUT wait there's more, there always is... So I feel that this year is summing up to be enjoyable but damned difficult for GM's, aside from the one campaign I had going that turned into a fantastic ride of amazing filled with delicious awesome, all the other's either disintegrated into nothingness :C or are TBD...to this day. And while playing a certain game, which will remain unnamed, I realized...once again...it's fucking hard to be a GM, and not just a casual "fuck it I'll GM because why not and no one else wants to" but the kind that actually...wait for it....give it time...C A R E. Yup, caring is in insanely short supply these days, if you care you're either overly sensitive, a douche, or just fucking stupid, if you care about mundane stupid shit, you're a'ok, but if you don't care whatsoever, you.are.a.god. Yup, that's my view on things lately, because damn it all if I haven't heard that saying of "I don't care" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...and over.....and again.... :3 Seriously though, those of you out there that care, that care enough to make the effort, to make a game, to try, to reach out, to always strive to be better, that actually make an effort to communicate, that are receptive and seek out feedback (good or bad), that spend countless nights, thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking, only to realize just go for it and sod the rest, to you, I love you...no I don't just love you, you are my gods damned hero. You make this fucking world bearable, your make me think that you know, some people do give some shits, hell they give LOTS of shits! And for that, the world seems a little less brown if you know what I mean. AND here this allllll leads back to how it's hard to be a GM, but wait there's more! I can already here the sarcastic rebuttals "Aw man you just wing it, c'mon is it reaaallllyyy that hard? Dude, we don't care its ok man, you can take the story wherever I just wanna kill shit..." FFS firstly, have you all seen my map? No? Well you're blind, take a closer look at my background to this blog...yup that's 36 X 45 inches of good ol' tolkien inspired goodness...3-5 months I spent on that bad boy, and I don't remember the exact date because fuck you I wasn't recording it for humblebrag purposes you damned heathen. Secondly, I FUCKING care, at least 10% of GM's, maybe more, care, they care enough to get up and instead of sticking their hands in their pockets and be like "you know just do whatever, I'm whatever about it," they instead put the time and effort into a campaign, a world, a million effing npc's to entertain all, because damn it all we love it. And lastly, though this was part of the secondly bit, if you just wanna kill shit, or are here just to talk philosophy because I'm basically the reincarnation of Descartes, either play COD, or LARP. COD is a fps (first person shooter, to those living under a rock) that is on the Xbox 360, PS3, Xbone, PS4, and PC. Play that, kill shit, do it online, pretend you're rolling dice, rinse repeat, live a repetitious life. As for Larp'ing, I believe there are some groups in the SC mountains that roam around and whap one another with foam swords while in some strange fashion change their voice to sound like Eric Bana and Russel Crowe had a baby that went on to make a sequel to gladiator. So there are your options for those of you that want to either kill shit, or talk philosophy like I'm a badass Plato, bitch, last bit of that was writer exaggeration...gods I hope it was. I know I know, philosophy may be hard to talk while whaping one another with foam swords, but from what I've heard afterwards you can sit around a fire, drinking on overly alcoholic mead (because that's all that is out there), and chat it up with one another, a perfect time to make your inner conversationalist shine, while being medieval, hazaae...!
        So that aside, now that I've redirected those that have secretly just wanted a larping version of COD, GM's its fucking hard to be one. You get up in front of (possibly) 6 random ass people, tell a damned story, hope they like it, all the while juggling literally a minimum of 4 to 5 plots and ideas raging around in your mind, sometimes 10 to 20 things. Truly the reason I'm posting this is as I said in the beginning, it's been a tough year of sorts for me, and other's I'm sure, GMing wise, while one group may flourish, the other flounders, and while one may flourish, the floundering ones have been more numerable, which in the end means there's one good game for a million shit games, though that may be my inner fatalist talking. To my GM's out there that care, please please please don't stop caring, there are magnificent players out there that work wonderfully with others, you will make a game so memorable and fantastic, you may dream about it for weeks afterwards, but with the good, there must be bad, so we can recognize the bad. It's fucking hard to be a GM, read my previous posts to know why, and why a GM's job and learning NEVER ends, it never does and never will, I'll never stop pursuing more tactics on being a better GM, I'll never feel that I've finally reached that zenith, I'll never feel that I'm basically a godly version of Tolkien, never.NEVER. But that's ok, because that means I'm always looking to improve myself, I'm always going over previous games and seeing what I can improve on, I'm ALWAYS reevaluating myself, and taking the shit I did and fixing said shit into something playable. So it's fucking hard to be a GM but we love it, we work at it, and damn you cut us some slack when we do GM, because if we get a group of complete assholes, it's nearly impossible to GM well for a group of assholes, really people, its just not a pretty picture. I suppose I'll leave you with these tidbits about why I'm ranting.
1. Fucking communicate and actively seek out to improve yourself, if you don't you're fucked. the.end. I'm not kidding.
2. We can only do so much, if the players suck, they suck because of a variety of reasons and they either need to pull their heads out of their asses or you need to find a new group, that too I'm not kidding.
3. Keep caring, because once you don't care any more, one you buy into this "well I really don't care" mentality, your games will be droll, repetitive, and awfully shitastic, that as well I'm not kidding. And you will have an eternal friend of me for caring, so that's a little smidge of something right? :3

3. How do you not be 1 and 2? Easy, talk with your GM, figure out how to have a good gaming experience, don't be a selfish asshole and think of the party as well as your own desires, don't take a feat or ability or equipment just to be O.P. don't just be an O.P. ass hat to be an O.P. ass hat. Flow with the story and if you feel left out, its probably because you're doing something you can't see, communicate gods damnit. More than anything have fun, but by doing so don't fuck with the GM, because we spend a helluva lotta time working on this for you, work with us damn you.
4. Don't go off on your pseudo enlightened conversational bullshit unless it is completely contingent to the story, seriously, we give no fucks that you major and minored in neo-classical theology and early greco-roman philosophy. Just cause you pigeon holes the hell out of yourself and therefore can't scratch that tumorous itch of the philosophy you feel pulsating away in your brain, does not mean DnD is a viable outlet for that, know when and when not to implement small doses of that, this is not a fucking college class, or Socratic seminar.
5. Be a good fucking player. the end.

SO! I hope that helped to elucidate a few things, I'm extremely tired am going to hit the hay, but for all those awful readers out their with the attention span of a mite
GMing is a passion but hard as fuck, you GM's out there communicate and keep endeavoring to better youself. Players can be assholes, don't be an asshole player, how to achieve that? Communicate.

All my love and attention
Don't forget to roll your D20,

p.s. when you give me an angry look and are confused as to why I did something, I will happily say, "read my blog" when you see this, then maybe you'll finally understand.       

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