Friday, December 19, 2014

This may be in the campaigns of the future!

Forgotten Secret
A swirling mass of darkness, tendrils groping through the dark, searching for something, for the dreamer. She had to get out, she had to escape beyond all else from this cyclopean horror, this end of all things. She twisted and contorted, screamed in fury, thrashing with all her might, to no avail. The black tendrils closed in around her, she managed to pick out what looked to be a shape of a humanoid body, arms outstretched in the darkness before she was engulfed in agonizing wails.
Light, blaring warm candle light streamed through her closed eyelids as she flung forward in a scream, her eyes snapping open. She looked around in confusion, getting a bearing of her surroundings, large open room, tapestries lining the stone walls, the fireplace against the wall on her right burned low, a bubbling pot of some sort of liquid exuded from a cast iron pot hanging above the low flames. She rubbed her eyes and saw an older yet attractive in her old aged woman standing above her at her bedside.
“Hilde  Von Aldrich, eldest of her family line since the founding of the Von Aldrich lineage and still you have night terrors as though you were a child.” Hilde instantly recognized the woman to be Mizu, her beloved guardian and friend, though her dark eyes were glaring back at Hilde in feigned frustration, Hilde knew that Mizu was feeling genuine concern. Hilde, sweating and regaining her breath, outstretched her hand for water, Mizu happily obliged and placed a ceramic mug into her hand, Hilde regarded the hand that grasped the mug, old, weathered, seen to many cold winds and far too many battles. Hilde flicked an eyebrow and her hand smoothed itself to a degree but some scars and wrinkles are too deep to remove. Gulping down large swaths of water Hilde breathed deeply and looked at Mizu, who was eyeing her carefully.
“What? gods above and below what?!” Hilde barked loudly, more loudly than she had intended as she quickly showed a somber expression to Mizu.
“Nothing my Lady, just drink your water and rest at ease if you will.”
“I always do Mizu, I just like to wake you up at the darkest hours of the night.” A mischievous grin cracked over Hilde’s expression as she drank some more. Mizu chortled at her dripping sarcasm, even at so late an hour Hilde managed it and Mizu bowed low and walked off, with Hilde smiling after her as the door closed.
“Again with this dream, but the shape of the person in the background, that was new.” Said Hilde to no one in the room, speaking to herself as she attempted to gain control over her new found shaking. “I have lived for 185 years now, longer than anyone else in the family line, that I know of at least, and to think nightmares would plague me after seeing so much.” A sudden image of a dragons frost breath blasting her body into frozen bits sudden flashed before her and she flinched as she took the last gulps from the mug she held and placed it at her dark pine bedside table. Taking a few more heavy breaths she threw her covers off, her face now bore the deep lines and wrinkles of anxiety as she withdrew a leather bound journal from a small chest under her bed. Willing the lock open she took out the stained and cracked book and withdrawing a quill and ink hustled over to her long desk with various half melted candles upon it.
Scribbling away within, she recorded her dream, the shadows, the form of a person with outstretched arms, the twinkling of the strange glass like lights in the back which had almost escaped her memory. The lights which danced now upon her memory after writing it recalled something within her aged memory, she furrowed her brow as she suddenly felt the pang of recognition to the pattern they formed. She sat quietly with head in hand replaying the scene over and over, the shadows, the person with outstretched arms, the twinkling lights, like, like the black veil of night and the stars upon them!
Throwing on what clothes she could in a hasty fashion from her large wardrobe she pushed open her large iron wood doors and began walking down the flight of stairs and passed different rooms and closets and chambers. Mizu was fast on her heels, calling after her as Hilde’s friend did her best to belt on her sword and what piecemeal armor she could.
“Hilde, damn it all, Hilde!”
Hilde smirked to herself as she continued hustling down the stairways and through large stone thresholds of her castle, Mizu the whole way barking orders for her to stop and return to her bed chambers.
“What has possessed you all of a sudden?! If you are in need of food, drink, or anything else you have but to ask my lady!” Hilde quirked an eyebrow at Mizu’s use of my lady again, she seemed to change between titles and exasperation in her voice, which Hilde thoroughly seemed to be enjoying. Finally they reached the large underground library which towered up through the castle as a large rotund tower.
“Well here we are Hilde, in your grand library, yes its all well and good and it will be here tomorrow, but at your age-”
“Enough Mizu, I know what you’re going to say, no I have not lost my mind and bring me my salves.” Hilde said curtly, Mizu stiffening, bowed and marched off, adjusting bits of armor and her sword as she went. Hilde nodded thankfully in Mizu’s direction and began walking below, to the lower reaches of the library, a walk that normally wouldn’t have bothered her decades ago, but this wasn’t decades ago, and the walk to the bottom took a far longer time than usual. As she reached the bottom, Mizu caught up to Hilde and held the salves in her outstretched hand.
“My lady-”
“Have you noticed, Mizu, that you change titles with me in different circumstances?” Hilde said with her hands on her hips, smiling a wide toothy grin. Mizu sighed loudly and continued,
“Hilde, are you sure you should be applying these things? Don’t you remember how you have sworn off using them about 10 years ago after-”
“Damnit Mizu of course I remember, but I need this bout of energy, I need just a small amount of time with a more youthful body, there is something I must do” Hilde interjected loudly and quite assuredly towards Mizu.
“But Hilde, you know that this is the last-”
“I know Mizu! I know my friend, but I must, please, trust me as you have these long decades we’ve had together.” Hilde put a hand on Mizu as Mizu looked on with a worry stricken expression, and dropped the three salves into Hilde’s waiting grasp. Looking at the vicious and strangely colored vials, Hilde saw the image of her slightly younger self, applying the oils for the last time, how her skin stretched, almost tore as her old and used body could no longer take the regenerative properties. Her screams of agony, Mizu calling down her healing hands, which only slightly abated the pain and agony of her age fighting potions, which even now in her ancient age would not accept.
Hilde loudly exhaled as she saw the gods above and below laughing at her attempts, but then she never originally sought such life longevity, it was the essence of a dragon magi’s blood which granted her the elongated years, and powers. She smiled a wicked grin, for even though her body would not accept regenerative salves, there was so much more in Entrathia to offer her more years if she willed it, her expression quickly turned once again to pensive concentration as she stood at the bottom of the grand library, and sitting upon a table with various scrolls and books she had forgotten, or someone else had forgotten, to put away, she popped open the salve.
She was bombarded with aromas of different fragrances and while some burned her nostrils others softly played off her senses, she felt a chill run up her spine. She took a few deep breaths, already she could feel the magical effects of the salve just by inhaling it, after a short amount of time she emptied the contents out and applied it to her body. The other two were spent in the same fashion, though the last one she drank, the taste of bitter root and plant life filled her mouth. She breathed calmly for a few seconds, suddenly she was enwrapped in convulsing pain, her skin sizzled and her mind broke at the feeling of the immense pain coursing through her. Her eyes blurred, a dark haze filled her peripheral vision, she collapsed to the floor, Mizu cried out in terror as she sprang to catch her wilting body.
“My lady! My lady! Please hold still I’ll use my healing hands.”
“No! No Mizu, let me feel this pain, it will be the last time I apply these salves, should I fall now or later, let me remember.” Hilde barked at Mizu, Mizu looked down in a look of horror, but did as Hilde bid. “Again Mizu, you look as though the weight of the world is pressing down upon you.” Hilde remarked with her voice growing softer and more labored. After a few short moments Mizu suddenly saw the sizzling abate, and where there was once wrinkled weathered skin, there was now a soft radiance to it. Hilde seemed to glow anew and opening her eyes, the pain passing, Hilde looked through eyes of someone only of 20 or 30 winters, her breath breathed deeper, her skin was more supple, her sight more precise. Hilde looked up at Mizu, her skin and face once again that of her younger self, Mizu, with tears rolling down her cheeks, smiled widely and coughed up laughs and exhales of relief.
“Mizu, I told you my love, I would either die now or later but the pain and feeling will stay with me, now, it seems my body had the strength for one last circle of this mortal coil. Come, now that I have the strength once again, we must go to the hidden reliquary and through the archaic tomes perhaps we can divine the nature of my dreams.”
Mizu nodded slowly and embracing Hilde again, helped her to her feet, Hilde retrieved her family crest.
“This pendant, the crest of my family, was created custom for me, you see Mizu, we had spent a lot of time adventuring with that group which helped to change the tides of battle during the Great Realm war, during that time I realized the power of a small band of adventurers and how tenacious they could be when it involved lost knowledge, power, and in most cases, gold. Taking that experience I made damned sure that this room was masterfully hidden and that only a specific dweomer upon a specific trinket would open the vault and so we have this.” Hilde held up her pendant towards the light, Mizu recognized the ‘V’ and ‘A’ with the different patterns signifying her as Queen of the estate and ruler of the region claimed by the Von Aldriches.
“Hilde, you certainly have taken some precautions but then after all we’ve been through, I can’t say I blame you.”
“Of course Mizu, and now-” Hilde stopping mid speech as she held up the pendant to a nondescript wall, just between two bookshelves with a globe representing Entrathia sitting in front of the opening, a small cubby hole of a door slid back. The sound of stone moving after being placed all those years ago filled the library, echoing off walls, until finally it came to a stop and only a dark hall loomed beyond the hidden threshold.
“Ah, just as I left it, now, Lux!, Hilde calling out the cantrip for light, a ball of white luminescence jumped from her hand and danced around where she pointed. Hollow sounds and drippings of the underground pass filled Hilde and Mizu’s ears, the light still dancing before them kept ahead at a comfortable distance.
“Careful Mizu.” Hilde spoke quickly as she hopped over a large block, Mizu following in step noticed for the briefest instance a strange glowing rune upon the rock below. “I had that installed just incase someone by some miracle made it in, even with avoiding the trap were you within 20 feet of its dweomer it would still sound alarms in my bed chambers, luckily being that I created the damn thing, I know how to circumvent this, moving on.” They continued down this small cramped corridor until Mizu realized they were no longer on castle grounds, that this chamber had been created to go farther underground and off the property to insure complete isolation.
“And careful of this as well,” Hilde stopped short and Mizu bumping into her back looked in front of Hilde, not seeing anything but more stone pathway, “This was more of an enjoyable design of mine.” Hilde placed a wooden plank before her and willed it to grow and remain strong, she motioned for the passing over the plank, as they moved along over the ten foot distance Mizu realized that there was a sheer drop below them, that the other end of the hole resembled almost identically that of the stone floor, a cunning illusion.
After another ten minutes or so they at last came to a solid steel door with spikes protruding towards them. Hilde held up her pendant once again and the door clicked, clanked, and eventually pushed back open, not making a single sound as it did, dweomers and small enhancements obviously kept the sounds of creaking and groaning from exuding from the door as it opened. There was a crisp dry cool air that met their passing through the openway, the chamber was completely dark, bereft of all light, and the air almost seemed to be frozen in place.
Mizu attempted to spark a light upon a torch she had and as the torch lit aflame no light emanated from the glowing mass, Mizu was just barely able to make out what should be a roaring flame at the end of a stick.
“My last precaution, within this room is set Ancient Deeper Darkness, a spell of my own crafting which blots out all light, for the most part,” Hilde regarding the small ember upon the wooden rod that Mizu had withdrawn, “in any case no light, greater light, ethereal light, or any spell giving off any sight whatsoever should work within these confines.” Hilde said astutely, before she spoke loudly into the open room, “Kal-wer frin ar lunis Aldichonos amig gleam!” There was a loud popping noise and air rushed in all directions, the steel door closed slowly behind the two women as lights from different sconces, candelabras and candles upon long pikes lit up instantly.
The room, now completely, lit showed a large stone spherical layout, with eleven pedestals, some of them holding archaic tomes, some empty. Within the center was a single raised pedestal like the others, grander in design, the glass casing open. Mizu noticed there were rows leading out like pews of lesser wooden pillar and pedestals which held only an empty glass case and one in particular caught Mizu’s eye. It was cloaked with a black-red like cloth, hidden for some unknown purpose.
“Gods, you certainly have kept this secret well hidden my love.” Mizu imparted while looking around the large round room, each stone with intricate carvings of the finest marble, various paintings hung up on the wall sides, a paltry amount of bookshelves housing all manner of fantastic and curious tome and text.
Hilde regarded Mizu whimsically, a slight smirk on her face for the sudden openness of her long time friend and lover, “Indeed, I have accrued a small amount of books in my haydays, though nowhere near the amount of many grand Magi that live to the great old age of five to six hundred, even longer but I daresay mine matches in gravity what I lack in quantity.”
“So many empty cases and empty slots, for what purpose Hilde?” Mizu now completely informally inquiring as to the true nature of such a magnificent, albeit incomplete reliquary.
“Ah, Mizu there are so many things in this world that you, nor I, understand or will understand completely, though in my travels and research I have found that these major eleven here and the one raised atop may house some of the most powerful tomes ever to exist, what’s more terrifying is the fact I supposedly have seven.” Hilde remarked calmly and with little shock in her voice though Mizu blanched at the thought and whirled around to face Hilde.
“Supposedly?! Gods Hilde, if what you say is true-”
“Then the gods should be searching for me endlessly, adventurers desperately wishing to plunder and learn all I know, Aeons themselves coming down to exact their viciously indifferent balance laws.” Hilde cut in, shrugging and walking past Mizu and slowly going to a couple different tomes, softly places her index finger and pendant near the glass surface, there was a click and the glass case opened willingly for Hilde.
“But that is not the case, as you have seen I have taken what most would see as a mentally unstable approach with the amount of safety locks, bolts and dweomers. Even now the room you stand in was meticulously etched and carved by me and me alone with every spell and evocation and harmful ability I could conjure and set them there in each and every stone. This place is a veritable bunker but what makes it more defensible is not a single soul, save for you now, and myself, know of this place.” Hilde saying this all quite curtly while placing a few tomes and sheafs of paper on a table that popped into existence along with two well furnished chairs and in one of the “corners” a couch with a carpet beneath it phased into existence.
“Mizu, I don’t know how long this will take, there is a secret door over near where that cloaked pedestal is, it’s connected to this room by all the same means, it has a large bed, a larder, a privy and a small place to cook something up to eat. There is also a couch as you see and my table I will work on, all these objects will cease to exist once we leave here again, so make yourself at home and I’ll finish this when I can.” Hilde stopped short on the last thought and looking up and quietly rubbing her face she imparted an extra last statement, “And Mizu, it is good to have you with me.”
Mizu smiled a wide and warm grin, and hugging Hilde in a lovers embrace, withdrew, nodded silently and sat with Hilde as she began to read away, Hilde’s brow furrowing into a crease as she began her immured study. hours passed, soon Mizu found that she grew hungry, and happy that Hilde seemed to predict whatever study was to be done here would take a large amount of time, quickly trotted over to the larder and food stores. As far as Mizu could fathom, the day was drawing on and it was getting close to sunset, still Hilde was completely mired in her studies, every now and then getting up to drink from her waterskin, or to use the privy.
“My love, it has been hours, surely it is night out and you must rest for now.” Mizu said pleadingly to Hilde, who turned a dour and gaunt expression towards Mizu, Mizu noted that already age seemed to catch up with her even after so short a time. “Come my lady, let me help you to the bed.” Hilde nodded somberly and standing, slowly trundled over with Mizu to the bed, where she retired, sleep taking her almost instantly. Mizu stayed up for hours, pondering before a mug of ale taken from a cask in the eatery room, wondering what exactly Hilde was reading, and where it would lead her.
Days marched on, still Hilde was engrossed in her readings, until finally upon the eleventh day, after spending many spells and cantrips replenishing the food supplies and water, and doing away with the refuse, Hilde slowly and calmly put down her tome. Mizu busily keeping herself active and alert looked to Hilde, Hilde’s expression was that of a dire mood, filled with anxiety and weariness.
“What, Hilde, what did you find?!” Mizu asked with quickness in her voice.
“Come, Mizu, follow and do not tarry.” Hilde remarked quickly and began to walk from the room, after placing the tome back in its case safely and securely. Mizu attempted to call after her, see what it was that obviously troubled Hilde, but Hilde was already out of the threshold, moving fast, Mizu ran after her. Bypassing all the traps, pitfalls and security measures Hilde had taken, they arrived once again within the Von Aldrich castle, a cool breeze wafted into the hall, some windows were open and outside sun rays shone through. Mizu, walking behind Hilde, had seen Hilde silently mouth words and flip her hands in certain gestures, clearly she was making sure the castle was habitable upon reentry.
“Here we are, the Heavenly Veil Observatory, and all looks to be in order.” Hilde looked from different planetary bodies which were placed in different coordinated areas on a massive spherical object, Mizu had been there in the beginning of its construction, with the same baffled but awe inspired expression.
“Now, to align certain planets, chart certain systems, to exhume the secrets that are becoming clear from their dark apocrypha.” Hilde spoke with a dark tone in her voice, Mizu cocking her head in perplexity at the statement just made. Hilde made some changes to levers, switches, dials, and all manner of different contraptions and gears, suddenly the room seemed to come alive, light filled different corners, different colored glasses lit up this large round room with varying spectra, Mizu twirled around as the room gained a life and color of its own.
“I had been, as you well know, intensely studying and going over the different pages, runes, archaic texts and all manner of strange secrets and texts splayed across the pages of the tomes I had. I began to see a pattern, a line being drawn, almost as if the universe itself were speaking out to me, beyond the realms of mortals, gods, goddesses, far beyond anything I could ever comprehend. In that, I felt the breath of change, the moving of the cosmos, in my ignorance I somehow did comprehend, as if somehow my brain remembered a distant muscle memory, yet in no way could define.” Hilde continuing to change the rotation of spheres, moving colored lights and trajectories of strange bodies in different ways. “So now something is awakening, something which hadn’t awoken in some four, five, maybe even six thousand years. I am glad that I had the dreams I did, and that it lead me to scry what little bits of this gargantuan mystery which surrounds us all and see the small slivers which spoke to me. Mizu, something is coming for us, for us all, there are very few who know of its existence, and most likely perhaps 2 or 3, maybe a fraction more, who could ever have even an inkling as to what this thing is and what it represents. It is not sentient as far as  I could derive, or it may be beyond my understanding.”
“It wouldn’t be as those creatures we once fought, from an elder time of a far more ancient race.” Mizu asked, growing far more worried as Hilde regarded her silently.
“No, this thing, this is not the elder beings, it is not the great old ones, it is not an ancient race, this is something...something else.” Hilde returned to turning dials and cranking levers and pulleys until finally she stopped, and refracting the colored lights in a certain way, the spherical object with the planet attachments moved in a certain pattern, an image began to form.
“No, this is something far more greater than anything we’ve ever encountered, I know so little, yet compared to most I have the unfortunate bearing of understanding this small information I have, and I fear it will take a lot of mead, ale and distractions to keep me from worrying myself to death.” Mizu walked up calmly as they both gazed upon the strange celestial sphere and all the colors refracted in a certain way, the planets and celestial bodies in specific locations, throwing up a fantastic and completely foreign image before them. Hilde turned slightly, gazing into Mizu’s eyes, Hilde’s eyes hollow, dark with drowsiness looked on with an almost guilty dourness to them.
“Yes Mizu, I can see it in your stance, your look, I know you stand with me until the end, but this, this is something else. I don’t even understand completely what this is, or what it brings, or really too much of anything for that fact. These graphing observatory I had created, for such an event as we’ve experienced helped to elucidate a few mysteries for me, but then opened up more for me it seems.” At this time Hilde was scanning the layout, Mizu completely baffled by what she saw noted that Hilde seemed to understand a great deal of the strange round objects with smaller round object just near the edge of the bigger. Certain areas marked as Nebulae or star clusters were completely foreign to Mizu, yet Hilde moved to each side, recording and observing as she went. Finally after a small amount of time Hilde spoke again as if she had never stopped, her voice carrying a dark inflection to it,
“But there is one thing I do know my love, it is coming.”

For Walker’s character and for his tireless effort to bring us a good game

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

An infinitely shorter post, but trust me it would behoove you to take a look
This here, this is very very useful to know and digest, I would implore you to check it out.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It is fucking hard being a GM. long post, I think it's worth it to those playing my games or are players...

Nuff said...
        BUT wait there's more, there always is... So I feel that this year is summing up to be enjoyable but damned difficult for GM's, aside from the one campaign I had going that turned into a fantastic ride of amazing filled with delicious awesome, all the other's either disintegrated into nothingness :C or are this day. And while playing a certain game, which will remain unnamed, I realized...once's fucking hard to be a GM, and not just a casual "fuck it I'll GM because why not and no one else wants to" but the kind that actually...wait for it....give it time...C A R E. Yup, caring is in insanely short supply these days, if you care you're either overly sensitive, a douche, or just fucking stupid, if you care about mundane stupid shit, you're a'ok, but if you don't care whatsoever, you.are.a.god. Yup, that's my view on things lately, because damn it all if I haven't heard that saying of "I don't care" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...and over.....and again.... :3 Seriously though, those of you out there that care, that care enough to make the effort, to make a game, to try, to reach out, to always strive to be better, that actually make an effort to communicate, that are receptive and seek out feedback (good or bad), that spend countless nights, thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking, only to realize just go for it and sod the rest, to you, I love I don't just love you, you are my gods damned hero. You make this fucking world bearable, your make me think that you know, some people do give some shits, hell they give LOTS of shits! And for that, the world seems a little less brown if you know what I mean. AND here this allllll leads back to how it's hard to be a GM, but wait there's more! I can already here the sarcastic rebuttals "Aw man you just wing it, c'mon is it reaaallllyyy that hard? Dude, we don't care its ok man, you can take the story wherever I just wanna kill shit..." FFS firstly, have you all seen my map? No? Well you're blind, take a closer look at my background to this blog...yup that's 36 X 45 inches of good ol' tolkien inspired goodness...3-5 months I spent on that bad boy, and I don't remember the exact date because fuck you I wasn't recording it for humblebrag purposes you damned heathen. Secondly, I FUCKING care, at least 10% of GM's, maybe more, care, they care enough to get up and instead of sticking their hands in their pockets and be like "you know just do whatever, I'm whatever about it," they instead put the time and effort into a campaign, a world, a million effing npc's to entertain all, because damn it all we love it. And lastly, though this was part of the secondly bit, if you just wanna kill shit, or are here just to talk philosophy because I'm basically the reincarnation of Descartes, either play COD, or LARP. COD is a fps (first person shooter, to those living under a rock) that is on the Xbox 360, PS3, Xbone, PS4, and PC. Play that, kill shit, do it online, pretend you're rolling dice, rinse repeat, live a repetitious life. As for Larp'ing, I believe there are some groups in the SC mountains that roam around and whap one another with foam swords while in some strange fashion change their voice to sound like Eric Bana and Russel Crowe had a baby that went on to make a sequel to gladiator. So there are your options for those of you that want to either kill shit, or talk philosophy like I'm a badass Plato, bitch, last bit of that was writer exaggeration...gods I hope it was. I know I know, philosophy may be hard to talk while whaping one another with foam swords, but from what I've heard afterwards you can sit around a fire, drinking on overly alcoholic mead (because that's all that is out there), and chat it up with one another, a perfect time to make your inner conversationalist shine, while being medieval, hazaae...!
        So that aside, now that I've redirected those that have secretly just wanted a larping version of COD, GM's its fucking hard to be one. You get up in front of (possibly) 6 random ass people, tell a damned story, hope they like it, all the while juggling literally a minimum of 4 to 5 plots and ideas raging around in your mind, sometimes 10 to 20 things. Truly the reason I'm posting this is as I said in the beginning, it's been a tough year of sorts for me, and other's I'm sure, GMing wise, while one group may flourish, the other flounders, and while one may flourish, the floundering ones have been more numerable, which in the end means there's one good game for a million shit games, though that may be my inner fatalist talking. To my GM's out there that care, please please please don't stop caring, there are magnificent players out there that work wonderfully with others, you will make a game so memorable and fantastic, you may dream about it for weeks afterwards, but with the good, there must be bad, so we can recognize the bad. It's fucking hard to be a GM, read my previous posts to know why, and why a GM's job and learning NEVER ends, it never does and never will, I'll never stop pursuing more tactics on being a better GM, I'll never feel that I've finally reached that zenith, I'll never feel that I'm basically a godly version of Tolkien, never.NEVER. But that's ok, because that means I'm always looking to improve myself, I'm always going over previous games and seeing what I can improve on, I'm ALWAYS reevaluating myself, and taking the shit I did and fixing said shit into something playable. So it's fucking hard to be a GM but we love it, we work at it, and damn you cut us some slack when we do GM, because if we get a group of complete assholes, it's nearly impossible to GM well for a group of assholes, really people, its just not a pretty picture. I suppose I'll leave you with these tidbits about why I'm ranting.
1. Fucking communicate and actively seek out to improve yourself, if you don't you're fucked. the.end. I'm not kidding.
2. We can only do so much, if the players suck, they suck because of a variety of reasons and they either need to pull their heads out of their asses or you need to find a new group, that too I'm not kidding.
3. Keep caring, because once you don't care any more, one you buy into this "well I really don't care" mentality, your games will be droll, repetitive, and awfully shitastic, that as well I'm not kidding. And you will have an eternal friend of me for caring, so that's a little smidge of something right? :3

3. How do you not be 1 and 2? Easy, talk with your GM, figure out how to have a good gaming experience, don't be a selfish asshole and think of the party as well as your own desires, don't take a feat or ability or equipment just to be O.P. don't just be an O.P. ass hat to be an O.P. ass hat. Flow with the story and if you feel left out, its probably because you're doing something you can't see, communicate gods damnit. More than anything have fun, but by doing so don't fuck with the GM, because we spend a helluva lotta time working on this for you, work with us damn you.
4. Don't go off on your pseudo enlightened conversational bullshit unless it is completely contingent to the story, seriously, we give no fucks that you major and minored in neo-classical theology and early greco-roman philosophy. Just cause you pigeon holes the hell out of yourself and therefore can't scratch that tumorous itch of the philosophy you feel pulsating away in your brain, does not mean DnD is a viable outlet for that, know when and when not to implement small doses of that, this is not a fucking college class, or Socratic seminar.
5. Be a good fucking player. the end.

SO! I hope that helped to elucidate a few things, I'm extremely tired am going to hit the hay, but for all those awful readers out their with the attention span of a mite
GMing is a passion but hard as fuck, you GM's out there communicate and keep endeavoring to better youself. Players can be assholes, don't be an asshole player, how to achieve that? Communicate.

All my love and attention
Don't forget to roll your D20,

p.s. when you give me an angry look and are confused as to why I did something, I will happily say, "read my blog" when you see this, then maybe you'll finally understand.       

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Everyone wants to be a writer...

        But damn it all not everyone becomes one, and holy hell could someone just type in "writer" in Google and not get a stream of pessimism and self-declared arrogance? Damn, sometimes holed up here in my little hovel of "avoid all people" do I forget how many people are "Authors" and "Writers for (insert random web page no one has heard of .com)". NOW This is not to denigrate all those who actually write, and do it damned well, but amidst the wonderful friends I have that do write, and often, there are 1,000,000 others that are pretentious humblebraggers, just learned that term and I rather like it...although Irony is, I could be part of that...hard to say really, and if I am a million apologies! In any case enough of that, for now, dystopia time! I've been thinking of maybe axing this, as I have stories involving my world 'Entrathia' and how that will lead to way more Pathfinder heavy games, but then I figured, I'm kind of enjoying this, so why not! BUT make note of this people, and those beginning to read this again, I will be including stories, lore, and things pertaining to my world 'Entrathia' which will come up in some sort of fashion in my games, I would suggest, if you can manage it, to read what I have listed, it may be important, and it may just earn you a hero point ;). Welp where were we, ah yes, Sanctum, Conduit Engineers, blunt heads and the zealot war, things that could be misconstrued (or not misconstrued), into something kind of telling and possibly predicting, albeit a very very glum disastrous prediction. The happiest is when I am wrong, for I am a very down trodden cynic, so being wrong means, YAY better days ahead :3 Ok enough of that, I hope you enjoy this, frankly I quaver at the thought of making parts of this story, because almost every story has this, where there's dry things happening, information, back story, leading up to more interesting and captivating things, frankly I feel sometimes it needs to happen, but as this is a weekly blog update thing, I'm not sure if that's the best idea, we'll see, throw me some feedback, lemme know your thoughts, or don't sheesh I don't have a gun to your head.

A hard sell
        "Wow, that's something isn't it Ved, damn, its not every day that someone asks you to head out into that hell hole." Nalia was being crass as usual, but this time there was an  inflection in her voice, something which caused Ved to stir slightly in his seat, not just the fact that she had finally dragged him to one of these trendy bars. 
        "It's not exactly public knowledge yet Nalia, so try to keep your voice down, more than usual." Ved imparted with a joking aside. Nalia just playfully scowled at Ved before taking a large swig of her beer, she normally enjoyed a mixed drink of some sort, but she at times drank an ale, and this was one of those times. 
        "So, director Harp's already filled me in but still, you've seen exactly what I've seen out there. Old Oakland is a damned wasteland, the buildings are filled with psychotic bluntheads, the wildlife has gone rampant and if the mountain lions and feral dogs don't get you the tribes sure as shit will, and don't even get me started on ol' 24." Nalia the whole time was looking straight ahead towards the shelves filled to brim with different alcohols and liquors, her eyes glossy as if she were in Old Oakland at that very moment.
        "Nalia, you don't have to tell me, Christ I'm the one out there in my exosuit, shoveling the filth those bastards dump every day." Nalia twitched a half smile at his use of obscenity but Ved merely shrugged, regardless if using those words were taboo due to the nature of what they caused for damn near three decades, Ved liked to blurt those words out every now and then, he would draw curios stares from people, but that's all it ever amounted to. 
        "Look Nalia, that prissy Harper has allowed me, through his gushing benevolence, to let you continue on as my exosuit monitor, now I don't trust any of the new half trained minnows that come out of the academies and schools, so-"  
        "Just can't get enough of me eh? I get it Ved, I'll act as the monitor, but look we need to talk about the training, the time we've got, what's in store for us." Nalia interjected, as she always did to Ved, he just smiled and took a large gulp of his drink.
        "Well your idea is as good as mine, we got a week to live it up, I'm sure on their expense, and then a month of training exercises, from there...the barrens." Ved said the last part with a short pause, looking behind him at the lit up city, across the bay, San Francisco was brimming with life as well, small crafts hovering above the water were coming and going, different flickering beams and so forth emanated every so often from the city, it looked to be alive, doubtless with everyone living to their fullest, ignoring the massive 200ft wall standing resolutely just north, south or east of them.
        "Ved, there's no telling what we're going to encounter out there, namely you, just promise me if the shit hits the fan-"
        "You know I'll be the first back to the air lock or one of the safe zones, Nalia," Ved felt the words on the tip of his tongue dissipate quickly as he felt the liquid courage of his beer seep away, "Let's get some sleep, it's late and we got a lot to think on." 
        They hugged each other goodnight, Ved mentally kicking himself for his cowardice, slumping home in a haze of alcohol and regrets, and quickly zipping up to his apartment flopped into his bed. He slept soundly, though every now and then he awoke to what he thought was the smells and sounds of the outside, the Barrens, realizing it was his mind conjuring it up in his drunken sleep, quickly retired once again.
        Light softly streamed into the room, Sandi making her usual announcements and Ved shrugging them off as he went about his morning routine, as he began to walk towards the hexagonal bunker that was the Conduit Engineers headquarters, he realizes he had a week's paid in full vacation, with an extra recreation credit they had generously allotted to him, he figured it was the least they could do before throwing him to the wolves, and he chuckled at his own ironic sentiment. He quickly pivoted, and calling up his display phone hologram, called Nalia, he offered to take her to San Francisco, to which she heartily agreed, and reminded Ved that she received a credit to her account as well. The rest of that day, and subsequent week was spent in various cities within the Sanctum. Their first day at San Francisco was light hearted and both thoroughly relaxing and enjoying their time off, they perused the newest gadgets being sold from what came out of the technological hub of San Jose, the sky scrapers towering far into the sky, different strange people coming and going. Ved had heard stories of the strangeness of the city before the war broke out, not much had changed, or was likely too unless this Sanctum also fell apart like the other one, but then, most held out in the end, people just wanted their peaceful consumerism more than barbarism, though both had their ups and downs, some more down than other's.
        The rest of the week was spent touring the other parts of the Sanctum, taking a quick ZipCab to San Jose, seeing the cutting edge technology being excreted out of there on almost a yearly basis, which they so diligently made sure was visible to all as they walked through the glass and holographic environments and so forth, every inch of roof space being taken up by Solar Panels. Ved and Nalia then headed for Santa Cruz, taking the underground VoltTrain to the sunny beaches of the city now known as a resort city, heading as far south as they could go before getting to the Sanctum Barricade itself, Ved amusingly imparting how the other side was a town known as Freedom, both Ved and Nalia getting a good laugh out of the notion. The week was spent trekking around the Sanctum, enjoying the small slice of paradise, with the threat of the Barrens just outside a massive steel wall 200 feet high and some 40 to 60 feet thick.
        Finally the end of their week vacation came to a close and on the Monday that their week came to an end, Ved found he was growing closer to Nalia every day and almost lamented at the fact that he would be entering into what many on the outside probably saw as hell itself. A courier message dinged in Ved's and Nalia's messaging, a hologram popped up as the two were out for breakfast in the morning, the message requested and required their presence in the Conduit Engineer's headquarters, Wing A, Induction Room. 
        "Well that was a fine time spent around the Sanctum, damn it all if I didn't wish we could get another week Li," Ved beginning to use the nickname for both endearing purposes and because there were times she acted more masculine than Ved, which he used to tease her, "Any last words?"
        "Oh shut the hell up Ved, you make it sound like a damn death sentence, in case you forgot you're the one going out into the Barrens, not me." While Ved smiled at her sentiment he could see the slight anxiety in her eyes and backed off, they were both feeling on edge about what was to come, but he had a nasty habit of making it worse rather than better in these instances. They made their way over to the Conduit Engineer headquarters, and after walking down some transparent corridors and making their way through the new recruit chambers and exosuit repair department, found themselves standing with 4 other pairs looking unkempt and a little disgruntled at what lay in store for them in the future.
        A lean muscular man came out of a thick heavy door, his eyes were cold and piercing, his hair trimmed short with a long scar running along from temple to the back of his head, there were three small line tattoos on the left side of his neck and he wore a uniform like exosuit, his head exposed surveying the room with the trainees within. 
        "Ok, I'm, not one to mince words so I'll get right down to it, right now you're in a secured room and have been chosen by your superiors because they felt you were able enough or fool hardy enough to do this mission and get out alive, my job is to keep you alive so you best keep your senses alert and your mind awake, clear?"
        Most replied with a resounding yes, or yea, he nodded his agreement and continued on, "Look, you're not soldiers, and you're definitely not Stratos Troopers, but they called me in, and I train some of the most hardened bastards you'll meet, men or women, they come out hoping they get to kill blunt heads and absolutely do not care if they come out alive." Ved saw the progenitors roll in their grave, but came to the conclusion that no matter what city state a person ever lived in, one could never escape some sort of military force, no matter how enlightened those people may be.
        "With that," continued the instructor, a stern finality in his voice, "My name is Fleming, I am not your drill instructor, I am not your recruit officer, I am only one thing, the guy that will keep you alive on the outside, so get this straight, no bullshit, no objections, got it?"
        Again he was met, though a little more vigorously, with the accompanying yes', and yea's, to which he nodded his approval, everyone seemed to understand that Fleming would be their best bet to insure they came back from the Barrens alive and healthy, or as healthy as one could be from exiting that place. 
        Ved looked to Nalia, who exchanged a bemused and slightly worried glance with him, but managed a halfhearted smile before returning her attention to Fleming. Ved could see the next month, unless they extended it seeing as this group may need the extra time, he could see intense exercise regiments, field aptitude excursions, tech comprehension testing, the whole manual condensed into a month or more. What Ved truly saw though, was the cold arid Barrens, the countless psychopaths that roamed the outsides looking for their fixes, killing man, woman or child without a second thought, he saw himself walking tentatively, taking one false step near some ruined old skyscrapers and a group of crazy cannibals chomping down on his lifeless skull, the last images would be of a blunt heads hammer bashing his head apart, it was not a fun future to picture, so Ved made sure that he followed that mantra, no bullshit, no objections. 
TBC (again...maybe?)

Hmmmm so perhaps this will go somewhere, perhaps I'll end it sooner, who knows! Well I do, but again I'm still on the fence about this, I have about a million voices telling me, I'm not crazy, telling me to scrap this shit and move on, that I'm fucked as a writer, BUT then everyone has that inner doubt, mine just happens to use a megaphone the bastard. Any who, I'll keep writing and see where the hell it goes, maybe somewhere good, maybe any case feedback or not, read or not, I'm enjoying it so far! 
Welp as always people, till next time
Roll you D20
p.s. I will of course update this bad boy with something other than this little short story, when I feel an epiphany for games or what not, BAM I'll put it up, luckily for all of us, heh, this story stuff keeps me writing on here.         

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Not really a D20 moment, or is it?!

       Hello all again! Well to the few in my quiet corner as my father has called it, and that's ok with the insanity going on within the web. So re-reading the little segment I posted, I have to say I rather enjoyed writing that, I get tired writing things that are family friendly or less risque, sometimes it's the thrill of trying to make something interesting while at the same time throwing vulgarity in the readers face, because in the end, we're pretty brutish if you read up on history and so forth, though I am positive many would wish to argue me on that, people just can't admit we can still be barbaric, to this day. I've also read from other writers one doesn't need a perpetual machine of curses and swearing to make an interesting book as well, so enjoy that dive into the deep end, and now lets continue it on eh? In all honesty I started this really on a whim, don't we all, but perhaps it'll pull more people in to read and enjoy, if not, meh no big deal here, if it does, GREAT success! :D Ok I'll quite my prattling, on we go, within the Sanctum. OH, one quick point, this arc may or may not show up eventually in a game, possibly, who knows! :3

Conduit Engineers
        After 18 beers of what few micro breweries were in the Sanctum, most notably from a brewery that named itself Post Rapture Brew, a cheeky enjoyable ale with a dark full bodied taste with hints of roasted Oates, Ved was clumsily throwing himself around his relatively large apartment. Enjoying the darkness of the outside world, Ved stopped momentarily to gaze drunkenly out the large window he had and took in the scenery through a haze of alcohol. The city was alight with different cars and building beacons and the drones flying the perimeter, constantly vigilant. Ved, smiling to himself, flopped himself on his couch and flipped his large flat screen on, there were late night streams of people deliberating about the current world outside the Sanctuary,
        "Look Amara, it's not that I don't agree I just think things in the sanctuary are more than capable with dealing with what's ever out there, but you have a point we could send some reconnaissance just to be sure." This being said by a rather round and arrogant sounding bureaucrat, the woman named Amara shot back,
        "Damn it Cameron,, don't shrug this off like some manila filed folder, this is serious, there have been reports, by some conduit engineers, that there have been signs of organizational patterns out there, it's been a damn long time since we've made any contact, there is a world out there you know!" Ved smiled widely, he enjoyed watching this fiery woman shoot some straight facts the fat man's way, but almost as he was thinking it, Ved saw the suit stroke his double chin, push back his grayish oily hair and go on assuaging this Amara of her concerns. Ved felt his eyes become heavier, the last thing her could remember hearing was his automated system call out softly, user entering sleep state, shutting off primary power, entering into night mode, and like that Ved was snoring loudly before the lights flicked off.
        Good morning Mr. Robewise the time is 0800 hours and the weather today is a comfortable 75 degrees Fahrenheit- 
        "Damn it S.a.n.d.i. you know how I feel about morning wake ups after a vicious night of self destruction!" Ved cut off his home intelligence system, his eyes sore and his joints creaking as he moved himself from his couch, even if all alcohol in Sanctuary were re-hydrating in nature and tweaked so damn much as to actually enforce liver function and keep the mind clear, Ved still felt what his home system called a psychosomatic syndrome of over consumption, though he always thought you had to have a history of drinking the real swill in the barrens to get that.
        "Uhg, please order me up some breakfast Sandi, and extra soda with that, something sugary would do wonders for me...and please no helpful suggestions!" Ved could predict when Sandi would offer some unwarranted, in his opinion, advice to greet the morning, he didn't want helpful advice. He ate his breakfast, and quickly throwing on fresh clothes strode out into the morning day, looking up into the blue sky. At least they had only built a damn 200 ft wall with  sentries guarding the top, it seems that the progenitors felt that fresh real sky and air were worth the extra tech it took to keep this part fresh, at least. Having olfactory conditioners to prevent the terribly awful smell from outside the wall from getting in was a plus as well, but all the same Ved squinted at the sun and cracked his neck while walking towards his job's headquarters.
        He strode through Jack London Square, the towering buildings that housed all the apartments and quarters of many of the conduit engineers were placed strategically here, Ved saw many of the same people on the same routine. The ground was pristine and the nearby bay quietly splashed against the pier decks. Ved approached a large hexagonal bunker and continued walking as though there weren't a care in the world, there was a swift wall of light that flashed in hardly a second and two glass doors with no apparent opening withdrew as he walked through. Within were the sounds of shoes hitting against marble floors, echoing in the open space, people chatting among themselves as they walked in pairs or groups. Ved came to an elevator that opened as he approached, and with a few others entering, they all separately called their floors, after which the elevator swept them to their desired location in order of who spoke. It took only about three minutes before Ved arrived at his floor, Assignment Allocation Sector, is what a massive bronze sign showed Ved as the doors withdrew and closed behind him.
        Glass walls nearby desks, along the walls and even the desks themselves showed different displays, a glowing luminescent white or different color depending on person and desired affect showed on different glass terminals. A woman walking towards the elevator saw Ved and called out, it was Nalia, she looked entertained as always, as if everything were a big joke, she had a whimsical smile and her light brown shining hair flitted behind her as she strode up. She clapped Ved on the shoulder and imparted,
        "Moron, the scenery was really gorgeous last night, and the bars were fun as usual, but then you avoid fun as if it were the plague!" The corners of her mouth pulled back in a confident and slightly arrogant smile. Before she let him respond she placed her finger tips upon the glass beside him at the entrance and stated, "Weather", a calm and collected voice began to read off weather, possibility of precipitation, forecast, the general mood of the outside. Ved smiling and rolling his eyes at Nalia remarked,
        "You know I could have told you all those things."
        "Yeah, except this doesn't give me your mopey self loathing bullshit, in any case, Harper is waiting for you, apparently he has some new fantastic assignment, frankly I don't know how many times you can dress shit up before people begin to realize its just that, shit. Go get em cowboy." Her last remark was said as she began to retreat within the elevator, Ved just scoffed at her as she raised a hand in goodbye as the doors closed, Ved strode swiftly over to director Harper's office, as he approached the foggy glass a display showed his face and a computerized voice welcomed him as a door in the glass became transparent and opened before him.
        "Of course, yes executive administrator, of course it will be done as soon as I can get my men to that section," Harper motioned for Ved to sit as he finished his call, "Yes administrator I assure you we'll complete operations quickly and as you required originally, thank you sir, good day to you." Ved looked around at the various commendations and self serving medals and awards, he held back his sarcastic chortles and did his best to remain as stoic as possible.
        "Veddit Robewise, graduated from New Harbor University at the top of your class, enrolled in Theoretical Avionics, dropped out, joined up with the conduit engineers. Your work has been exemplary, your aptitude for almost any job is par none, and yet, here you are, cleaning channel ducts and opening pathways for those under water rations." Ved quietly listened, though arched an eyebrow high at hearing his full name, no one called him that except his folks, and they were happily gone from this world, happily was definitely the word Ved came to. "So Veddit there is nothing wrong with working with the CE, but clearly your mind has a capability far beyond this, while our progenitors saw fit to wall off the Sanctuary and inhabit it with some of the most sophisticated and adept minds, especially those free of the influence of a zealous nature, one cannot deny that humanity, people, tend to excel in certain fields more than others, and the others excel in other fields as well, and so on and so on." Ved did his best to stomach the same speech he's heard countless times, all the while Ved focused on the well trimmed nature of Harper's sandy blonde eyebrows, or how he flourished his parted hair with this wavy look to it, all in an attempt to copy a professionalism that never sunk into Ved's disposition.
        "In any case, Veddit, we are assigning you to a new field within the CE, we're calling them the conduit engineering scouts, or CES." This was definitely news to Ved, he managed to keep his expression mostly pallid and asked,
        "So my work with Miss Abberquose, that's to cease then?" Ved doing his best to keep personal intonation out of his speech. Harper seemed more aware than Ved realized and remarked,
        "Veddit, you're welcome to assign anyone to your exosuit pairing, if you feel that Miss Nalia Abberquose would fulfill this sufficiently, I can make it happen." Harper almost seemed self congratulatory about that fact, Ved sighed internally and allowed director Harper this one victory of personalizing as he always tried at the haughty pretentious company gatherings, standing in front of all the other CE's and spouting some corporate prattle obviously rehearsed time and time again, but the laughable part to Ved was most soaked that Prag filth up, which is why he liked Nalia so much, she shared in his sarcastic pessimism.
        "May I ask why I'm being assigned to this detachment, what does it entail?" Ved asked tactfully, keeping any overstepping connotation from occurring in his position, though Harper seemed to grow thoughtful all of a sudden and tapping his glass display on his desk there was a soft muffled tone that rang out and stopped. Ved realized he had muffled the room, not a single sound would enter or exit and it would take director Harper's countermand to release the silent function he had enacted.
        "It's not as if I'm worried about spies," almost reading Ved's look, "I just feel more comfortable this way, call it a primordial evolutionary tactic we homo sapiens have been unable to evolve out of our systems." Ved almost could understand Harper's reasoning, if it didn't also make him feel nervous at the same instance.
        "Look Ved, seeing as I'll be sending you and four other people out there, making that five in total, I know I owe it to you to disclose it to you as soon as I can, I may be another uptight solder collar, but I was once just another graduate in this Sanctum of ours. The executive administrator, the one who reports to the Committee Directorate," Harper obviously trying to add gravity to the name, and not really succeeding with Ved, "has found some disturbing reports from the drones that scout around the state and sometimes farther if need be. The blunt heads, or regional derelicts as they are more PC known, have been showing signs of organizing, and not just the tribalism as we've come to expect, something else is stirring out there and we need to know what the hell is going on." Ved became far more interested than before, now his attention was becoming more enveloped by Harper's proclamations, seeing this, Harper nodded ostensibly and continued, "That's right, look those blunt heads made their choice a hundred years ago, the zealot wars concluded with a toll as far as we could tell being near somewhere of 1.9 billion, I don't think human history has ever seen something that bad before. The blunt head climbing the wall that was disintegrated, well you know as well as I that we would rather keep their radicalism and irrational behavior far from us, but this new threat, whatever it is, this is serious, serious enough to warrant a top ranking official calling me, a director," Harper almost scoffing at himself while saying it, "into action, and so I see your file, and a few others, and now the team looks fairly balanced and assembled."
        Ved was trying to digest it all, he knew the stance of the Sanctum's and every other one founded, almost every single one at least, of their reticence to allow the people who started a massive war over trivial inane ideals pertaining to what one man may have said centuries ago and the plethora of other so-called zealots, but the whole reason this place was founded, as far as he knew, was to finally escape all that. Ved arched his eyebrow again and asked with more inquiry than before,
        "So why me again, sir? Why not send a fleet of drones, solar helo's, a detachment of premier stratos troopers and wipe it out?"
        Harper smiled meekly to himself before responding, "We, our progenitors, chose this Sanctuary and its confines not because it was convenient, but because it was to distance ourselves from the barbarism that this radicalism had wrought, to rain down 'hell fire' as they call it, on them, would only strengthen their resolve, and in the end that may be how it goes down, but for now we're going to show we're not the same brutish people. So with that, you, along with the others, show not only the experience of trudging around out in the filth, but have a propensity towards quick thinking, open mindedness, and we believe you to be up to the task." All the while Harper attempted to make himself look more amicable and tried to appeal to Ved's sense of morality, however that fit into the equation. Ved just sighed to himself and looking to Harper inquired again,
        "So I suppose you'll debrief me on everything I'll need to know, but moreover do I get a chance to enjoy some time in the Sanctum before I'm sent out into the barrens?" Harper looking almost emotionally relieved calmly imparted,
        "You have a week, after which time we'll begin to prep you, shouldn't take more than a month's time to train you adequately, remember you're just scouts, not the Stratos troopers." Harper suddenly becoming more grievous gave these last few words for Ved to go over during his week, "Ved, this must remain completely hidden from everyone, no one except you and those chosen are to know, we will tell Miss Abberquose after you leave, she went on lunch break, but under no circumstances can this get out, last thing we want is people to call for the bombs and destruction of every little atom on the outside, we must insure the safety of the Sanctuary. Ved, we don't know what's out there, we have our video captures and constant drone surveillance, but as you're fully aware our last contact with any seemingly coherent person on the outside was 23 years before the war ended, and since than, not a peep. We know there are still buildings and structures, there are still a good amount of people out there, we know the air is breathable if detestable to endure, and we know that somehow, people are living out there, killing each other still, trading in arms and drugs, some even continuing the zealot cause, which I know, is so completely unimaginable but happens all the same. As far as that though, there isn't much else, when you all embark out, we'll give you everything we know, but you'll be on your own, for a good amount of time figuring out what in the world is going on and that's what you will hopefully help us with." Harper looked resignedly at Ved who just slowly nodded and remarked with one final statement,
        "Well fair enough, I've been looking for a change any ways, and I signed up to be in the conduit engineers, and if it wasn't me it would be some other poor bastard, so I'll see you in a week then?" Harper nodded and shook Ved's hand, Ved found it a little too ceremonial for his liking but shook Harper's hand all the same, and left the Conduit Engrineering headquarters, and just two or three miles east was the Sanctum wall, and beyond that, a whole congregation of psychotic drug addicted blunt heads, doing only what their god knows what.   
TBC (maybe?)

WOW so that went on for oooooodddllleeesss of a long time, I get that way, sometimes I'll start something, and wont realize how expansive I'll make it. In any case those of you who have read it, I hope you enjoy it, and if not...well what was started can just as easily be ended quickly. Any who, lemme know what you think, what you hate, or whatever, and if not well hope your night is going well all! Time for this tired Rye guy to get some sleep!
And as always, roll your D20

Monday, October 20, 2014


        So, there has been a HUGE amount Ryan on this blog that I created, I mean for fuck sake I should be throwing down ideas left and right, and be all sorts of involved, maybe this is the awesome Hershey's chocolate talking, incidentally I've been reading a whole plethora of "advice on writing" and "Best tips for writers starting out" it was perpetually demoralizing to say the very LEAST, and then it hit me, I should write my stories and ideas on here, to hell with just my RPG junk and what not, though I guess technically it would still relate to my stories in game and so forth, mostly, so as the picture sort of kind of a little bit of alludes to, I'll do some ideas and concepts on here, and you guys can tell me if it's rubbish or pure steaming piles of gold! :3 heh. THIS IS A WARNING!!! I've been mulling some ideas around in my head, perhaps deviate from the grandiose prim and proper fantasy writer, and get FAR more visceral and NSFW, so many, if not a majority of these stories may in fact be...NSFW. I also have to lend credence to some of the articles I read, they suggested writing stories and crap on blogs, and since I was all like "Hey I have one of those, I'll try that" well here we are. BTW one quick aside, have I ever mentioned that if people have a problem,issue, argument, problem, suggestion, wish, concern, epiphany, pretentious fucking ideal to shove down my throat, than you should perhaps COMMUNICATE it with me, gods I feel like I have to scream this in each and every persons face, am I intimidating? Do I mysteriously cry without noticing and therefore no one communicates, has the internet finally gained sentience and is now actually all my friends and all this is an illusion....woah Conspiracy Keanu moment, :D. If all else in our friendship fails, for the love of the spaghetti monster, Jesus, Zombie Jesus, Grey Skull, Earus, Osiris, Ra, or WHATEVER just...just comment, text, email, TALK to me, if there is a problem. *cue audible sigh...very audible* I feel there is a massive issue with that, we're all so fucking afraid of offending one another, no one is willing to take the leap, well I'm sure this may have bothered some people, and may in the future, but I'll take the leap, all I ask is that if there is an issue, let me know, or a desire, hope, comment, WHATEVER. Even if you tell me in ways that makes you sound like a sad sad panda, its ok people. NOW that went on far too long, here's something I've been dabbling with around in my crazy brain of mine, let me know how it is...and I think I'm going to link this blog on my facebook or something, get some more readers in here, honestly it's like I'm talking to my Dad...and maybe like one other friend, as much as I love one on one's, that's not REAALLLYYY the purpose here. Now this is something I literally just thought of a couple hours ago, but it sounded pretty neat to me, so break out the camera's and bender meme's, cause it might in fact be......neat :). (Btw, this may or may not link to my 'Call of Cthulhu' games in the future, :3 or even Pathfinder, in some curious way, hey you know me! :D)
        Feculent waste, that's all there was down here in this shit hole forgotten by whatever gods or supreme creatures that forgot to wipe the human race from the remnants of this place. There are a few things that people are good at doing, killing themselves, reproducing like test rabbit, destroying the environment around them, and finding shiny pointless metals more important than food, oh, and surviving like rats, now that's not to say the human race is a species of rodent which are found in the foulest parts of earth, but they certainly get damn close at times. That doesn't matter too much, because here's one unlucky sewer scrubber, outside of the glorious walled civilization of Sanctuary, some pretentious fuck's call it by its full name, 'Sanctuary', some call it 'the tank' like the people are god damned gold fish, waiting for their flakes of food, but most, like the shit scrubber, call it Sanctum, and that is not where he is  right now, right now he's in this shit end, to a degree literally, of what's left of Eastern Oakland, in sunny California. There was a time when it was actually just another City, part of a state which was part of something far bigger, but now, now it's just a place those within Sanctum call 'The barrens', everything that's not in the few Sanctums around the world is ultimately 'The barrens'. It isn't all that bad though, some people like living in a state of nature, where at one point a person may be gnawing on a bone that belonged to their beloved dog, Rex, the next some psychotic drugged up, or drunk, or just psychotic, blunt head could come careening out of nowhere and bash their brains across the barrens, at which point he would begin lapping it up like a dog. Of course those people that apparently claimed to "be waiting" for the state of nature to take over never realized how horrifically bad it would get, mother killing child to spare them, father murdering families, families in general resorting to mass executions and so forth, people really did have it better before, but then when things are going good, humans charge head first into the worse case scenario.
        "Hey Ved, are you done cleaning the shit canals and opened the channels, or are you just having too much fun down there?" Sarcastic little welp, she did that though, she always knew how to push his buttons, those in headquarters, constantly monitoring the activity outside of Sanctuary Cal1, the clever name the architects gave it, were always reminding the "Conduit Engineers", a fancy name for shit scrubber, that their job was integral to the sustaining of Sanctum. Well it certainly didn't feel or look that way, day in and day out, some psycho blunt head would void his bowels, or collects all the fetid refuse, and dump it in the canals that provided water flow for a small percentage of the Sanctum inhabitants, most used the atmospheric recyclers for water and power was pure solar, but Ved and those like him were integral in some way, regardless of what they were doing, cleaning up after the blunt heads that were basically dogs with a slight language base.
        "So what's going on, have you finally joined the blunt heads? Can I go home early now and take my mandatory 2 week psychological leave?"
         Ved just laughed loudly and replied, "Why don't you come down here Nalia, and you can sift through all the left overs of our worse off brothers and sisters out there." He smiled a wicked smile under his exosuit, something he was sure she would see.
        "Hah, no such chance, remember your the lucky one that gets to enjoy the barrens of old oakland, I just get to watch in my boring terminal at the dock site." Nalia imparted with the sarcasm almost causing Ved's ears to bleed, he hoped they would sometimes. He finished up the last of stabbing large piles of peaty, human waste, goodness from the canal, a brisk flow began to open up again, Ved sighed loudly, smiling while he did as he could almost hear Nalia lowering her volume in sudden frustration, and turned to retreat to the Sanctum return pod. Ved heard Nalia burst out in his ear bud receivers,
        "Prepping for your return, pod chamber clear of contaminants, you are clear for return," Nalia adding in a hushed tone "Blunt headed channel sucker" to which Ved just chortled loudly in response entering the large oval like pod which closed quickly behind him with a loud hissing noise, all the putrescence from the barrens being quickly evacuated, for the safety of Sanctum. It wasn't like people couldn't breath the air, hell they could probably survive out there, but there's a certain sense of paranoia people develop when a 100 years go by without so much as a wave hello to the outside. After the religious conflict which ended in 1.9 billion dead, those already within the Sanctum just kind of stopped ringing the outside world, couldn't really blame them after the destruction that took place. Ved was at least grateful his ancestors had the rational thought of never succumbing to the hurricane that was religious zeal, and instead, like millions of others, chose Sanctum, and the rest is history, especially for those on the outside. As Ved ascended the sanctum conduit conveyor, he heard Nalia over speaker again,
        "So Ved are we getting drinks after this or are you going to sulk in your apartment again like a dejected Prag" Ved saw the image of a possum, rat, with patterned tufts of hair and an overwhelming stench that made whomever see it almost gag, therefore  Prag was an appropriate name.
        "How about I drink myself until I can't tell which way is up, that sounds more enjoyable to me, but going out to pay for overpriced piss water, come on Nalia." Ved heard her sneer over the speakers and responded ruefully,
        "Fine, drink yourself until you're a blunt headed cannibal, I'll actually be enjoying the outside air thank you very much." She clicked off, she wasn't really mad, she always did this when Ved refused to go out to some over priced bar that made it seem like a massive genocide never happened on the outside, but there was something about going out into the barrens which always was off putting for Ved. At that moment he suddenly cleared the massive steel wall that was the exterior of Sanctum and saw the magnificent and massive city, spanning all the way across the bay, and far over the mountains. His conduit conveyor pod had an open glass wall facing the Sanctum interior, no one wanted to see the other side, where the barrens were, the air defenses were in tight order today, one of the blunt heads thought it would be a great idea to try and scale the wall, poor bastard actually made it to the rim, but was incinerated immediately by drones, and even the dust was completely collected and deposited over the barricade. If they still held funerary rites in the barrens, Ved sure as shit hoped it was cremation. Sanctum was a magnificent display of desperate engineering and construction, but then impending war does that to people, and Ved was glad to be on the other side where the poor bastards died here of heart failure and old age, not having their heads smashed on rocks over a paltry amount of heroine or meth.
        Ved just scoffed to himself as he stepped off the conduit conveyor pod, as the door slid and hissed shut behind him, he was glad to be on this side, but then no civilization was perfect, including that of the supposed "Perfect" Sanctum, there was enough bullshit and arrogance to cut a knife with, if it was a big fucking knife, but Ved breathed in the crisp air and set off towards his apartment, leaving the shit covered barrens behind him, and the blunt headed psycho's and addicts to scrape a living off old ruins of the war torn world. For some people, outside of Sanctum, succumbed to the harsh barrens, and some, some people planned to rise again, even if that meant taking on the powers far beyond their own, even that of Sanctum.

Well I hope that was at least interesting, got you reading my blog post maybe? If not well shit, I don't know what to say, constructive criticism is something I'm completely ok with, saying "It sucks" does not help me people. In any case if this is well recieved, I may make more, we'll see, for now I guess I'll call this "The Sanctum" arch, and we'll see where it goes. I certainly enjoy writing with more profanity, I get exhausted trying to keep my stories PC all the time and understanding of all people, sometimes I just want to be more edgy I guess. In any case, I hope everything, story and what I wrote before resonated with you, hey if not tell me why, leave a comment, if you're a silent nay sayer, well the beginning of this post was me bashing on you enough you soft spoken jackass! All in good fun people, well I'll still end this my customary way,
As always
till next post, roll your D20

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This is a Calling straight for my gamers and all other's are welcome!

        Bam!!!! This should say it all, guilds, factions, people coming together to be badasses and organize epic tournaments and wield ULTAMATE POWAAHH!! Now there are a good few guilds in my world, in fact there are more and more to come, iinterestinglyI think there will be so many Guilds, you will go Guild crazy and be so interested by all the guilds, or perhaps not. This post should be a relatively short one, though I'm counting on my endless readers and viewers =3 to fill in the blanks for me, perhaps in the comments? I am throwing around the idea to have a group, a Pathfinder crew, meet up not just in a tavern, oh no that is far too over done, it is time for something else. How would you all feel if I were to say you are in the same lower tiered status within a prestigious guild? Perhaps your characters found it high time to join a crew, to better yourselves, make oodles of coin, and to have the secured sanctity of somewhere you will always be welcome. Tell me my players, adventurers, pathfinders, how would you feel if I threw your characters in the fray of a guild, at the bottom level, unsure but ready to strike out, thereby meeting your companions. Perhaps you were orphaned and looking to make a name for yourself, Perhaps your father and mother sent you out into the wide world and your struggling to figure things out? Perhaps you were always adept with Arcana but were shunned by your village and seek somewhere or something to give you a leg up?
        You see, the reason I ask and am hesitant to is I have read a GREAT deal of articles and literature on the fact of starting players out in different scenarios, and one article/blog I read was how bothered the players were that they found themselves imprisoned right out of the gate. I understand those feelings and empathize with player, "Don't I get a role to try and escape? Would my character really find themselves in such a situation? They're lawful good for Earus' sake!" See I get that, sooooo hence my trepidation, for if you feel that it would be to constricting, that it doesn't make sense, that you would rather bugger off than be strapped to a guild, I get that and would therefore not force anyone to have to join any guild or order. But keep in mind I do it to try and tell a great story and enrich your characters, not kill you, I suppose I'll see how you all respond, but remember, in the beginning you're flat broke and weak as shit, it may behoove you to be part of a crew that can at least mostly guarantee your safety. Welp either way I will do my damnedest to make sure beginnings start smoothly and enjoyably....well perhaps not painlessly but still, invigorating! :D
As always my avid readers and players
Until next time,
Roll your D20
(Forgot to post that last post...or did I? Well there ya go :D)