Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The fabled three 20's in a row, and stories within Entrathia

        You may not see it, oh and I think 8 spaces will make a good indent, but this is a third 20 rolled...in a row, by the gods it at last has happened!!! I may have some other friends whom have achieved this feat while completely indifferent to the fact, this took place during game, under duress, and with the hopes that the creatures be killed swiftly. When this took place one could imagine my expression, at the time I was behind my shield, none the wiser, but when I heard this was the third 20, after asking him to roll again, I was quite literally lost for words. Nigh on 10 years now I have waited, joked, and hoped for such a thing to happen, and it did. Jon Bernier, you my friend shall remain a legend amongst my games, written in the pages as much as I can spare. Now, not to belittle this victory I must add which creature he killed, NO IT WAS NOT A RAT! Quite the opposite, it was a powerful undead creature called a "Gaki" but they party being as high a level as they are, were dispatching them with little difficulty. You see the boss was waiting in the background, and after killing most "Gaki" the boss came forth in a flurry of vehement hatred and evil, sadly the thrice 20 was not on him, though I truly wish it had been. In any case the "Gaki" died instantaneously, as is my condition for rolling three 20's in a row, NO matter what creature or boss it is, and we all rejoiced. While it may have seemed wasted, I gave him a +2 to his AC for the boss fight, just as a way to give him a little extra against the real baddy. It was an epic game, and I was happy to have my wonderful crew to enjoy it with. I think this goes without saying that I have always spoken of the three 20's in a row, so this was a massive big deal to me, and am glad for it having happened. Good job Jon.
        Moving along! I am almost positive 99% of you will instantly recognize this for what it is, and will be all giddy over the Skyrim insert here, and it is for a definite reason I do this. I will make my opinion on this short and my explanation and reveal of my world longer. How many times have you gone through Oblivion or Skyrim seen the books, and been thoroughly impressed? I am sure all of you are in agreement that it is impressive, but I am also relatively sure that many have thought "Now these large old leathery books look amazing in their own right, and I am totes going to put those in my personal library, but for such a thick and weathered book, it is only a story of 5-20, 20 being the usual max! Now I am not overtly nit-picky and I am eternally grateful for the creators for going into such intricate detail, but I have always wanted a world where when you find books some may be slim pickings and short, but some, some may be Massive! I intend to make good on this, as we speak I am in the throes of making my massive book I have been berating games over for many many...many months now, actually a good 2 years in reality. Far to long if you ask me, as SO many of us loveable writers end up spending an eternity on these things and forgetting about them after reaching page 700, but we surely wont forget when we get a chance to brag or claim we are "Writing a novel." I don't wish to berate said people, they labor and want to create something magnificent, I truly understand that, but I am nearing my completion, or at least my breaking point, and will be...somehow...editing this piece, and inserting it into my world. Now I wont go into detail as I want this to be the ultimate surprise to my groups when I do, but when I insert this into my world, I solemnly swear you all will absolutely flip your Polyhedrons on what I have planned, and if you do not and have lied in my oath, well then I will stand there a dumbfounded and slightly disappointed GM. I suppose I should be a little more subjective, I do hope you flip your Polyhedrons, but truly I do not know, I do not know if you all have had similar thoughts about books in fantasy RPG's but I certainly have, and I am a complete sucker for immersive games, I mean the type of game you suddenly find yourself reiterating in real life *cough Nikki cough*. We shall see how this turns out, but as for the stories themselves, I have a few other shorter stories...though they may become bigger with time, about, you guessed it, Dragons, Artifacts, gods and goddesses, heroines and heroes, and all manner of glittering prizes. I do hope you all enjoy it, as I endeavor to GM games with great story and great action, action packed, as the old timely movies used to advertise.
Well As always
Till next post, Roll your D20


  1. The odds against getting 3 D20's in a row is 8000 to 1. Those are very slim odds

  2. Actually, the odds of obtaining any singular number 3 times in a row on a D20 is 8000 to 1. I suppose if you were to get three 1's in a row on a D20 ... that would be pretty epic no?

    1. Hah! Thank you dad, I'll make sure whomever rolls that very difficult roll knows how lucky, or unlucky they truly were. I think that 3 one's in a row deserves some sort of recognition, maybe a "I'm super unlucky hat!" :D
