Sunday, December 13, 2015

A fantastic update!

        So I would be remiss if I didn't post on here, though I am fully aware the viewership and curious watchers are few, I still wouldn't feel right without making some sort of noise about it. SO, with that said a group of friends and I have started a YouTube channel. While at first glance it may seem another "Let's Play" channel, and one may say "But Ryan this is some humdrum blabbity blab!" I assure you strange commentator is anything but that! While there will be game plays a many, there will, I repeat, WILL be other types of videos involved with this megabit pixelated knighthood! The skies the limit on that, so long as we don't delve into the lawful evil, all will be well and free to influence with our knightliness! And what that shiz be?! Well there's game plays, possible book reviewing, funny quips and little asides and quests, quests and more quests!
        Honestly I've talk about doing something like this for years now, YEARS! After a crazy fucking 2015, being one of my least favorite years, I figured that perhaps I can leave this year on one final note, one final good note. I know I know, a year is only a value of numbers, that don't always equate well. From one day to another that we deem the switch to a new number indicating rotation around the sun doesn't mean some magical change takes place. Gods know the sun doesn't revolve around us, rather we around it. Without getting to metaphysical or up my own ass, lets just say I understand there's more complexity to it than a bloody number! That being said, for mental fortitude and willpower I see this new year approaching with new trials, but with a fantastic new variety of stuff under my belt. Challenged met full on and without fear...ok a little bit of fear. Mountains to be climbed, swords to be met, shields to be broken...a red day, a honorable day, AND THE GOLD SUN RISES! lol Well what more can I say? This channel will be game plays, it will be book reviewing with a great amount of screaming, from yours truly :3, it will be comedic quips and epic quests through the woodlands.
        I wouldn't limit this channel to just video games, but that will be a wonderful aspect of it. I have, and my fellow knights have, to fucking much imagination to limit ourselves. So join me on this carrack heading to a castle of unknown fortune and peril, for together we can meet this challenge, and even if bloodied, smile for having community and friends beside us.
always always always, roll that D20 friends,
OF COURSE! Derp, the link for said channel, let the epic begin!

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