Thursday, December 3, 2015

Gamer's: A trinity of, The Then's, The Millennials and the Now's.

Well I guess we know where this Article is going, now don't we?

I couldn't help myself, I read the first three-quarters of an extremely interesting article and began to think...and when someone notates their thoughts in pen and paper...or the like, well here is the end product. Fallout 4 recently came out, and with it came an absolute slew of opinions and ideals, thoughts and beliefs, points and counterpoints. I believe it would be an insanely massive understatement to say I'm "Throwing my hat into the ring" but again I just can't help myself.

The person of said article made note of the previous Fallout games, actually only recognizing 3 and New Vegas, not 1, 2 or the subsequent spin offs within their respective numbers. The person also went on to state how 3 and New Vegas fostered innovation and immersive game play whilst 4 merely is an exercise in kill, loot and gain xp. To sum up there were some posts of Steam reviews and the stating of fandom backlash...and the gears began to turn.

Why has the franchise taken such a turn? It's almost a perplexing equation, in fact some could see it that way. Where 3 inspired curious thoughts on Karma, the different choices and the overall enjoyment of the universe, 4 does seem to be a hackneyed game where so much of it was trimmed down to sub-easy standards. A critic that happens to be my favorite within the gaming arts is Yahtzee Croshaw, and he jeered against the loss of so much of what made 3 and New Vegas so immersive. The dialogue, the story, the little bits of lore and choices one makes, all has truly changed, more so than I thought would first occur.

So why? I believe that perhaps its has something to do with what this title noted. There were gamers growing up in the 60's 70's and early 80's figuring out the entire genre, ushering in a glorious era of sweaty palmed button mashing wonder. The 90's and the aughts saw the gaming industry take such a massive hold that it became less "Video Games" and more interactive movie experiences, the stories and gameplay were innovative and from the paleolithic times of retro games we entered into the neolithic. Then from there we have a new dawn it seems. Where our Millennial generation has found a new co-op player to this strange and new land of gaming. Just as the older gamers of the 20th century watched as we turned a humdrum community into a powerhouse industry now the newer generation is taking it somewhere a place we're not entirely sure where it will lead...and it's scared the hell out of us.

In no way am I attempting to preach some strange grandiose Millennial belief we are owed...anything. I am not muddling this with politics, or am doing my damnedest not to. But perhaps there's a new generation that the companies are looking to now. Perhaps where all my companions and colleagues are forgetting is there is a generation coming right on our heels, closer than we thought, and they have very different views on what makes a great game. Are there views and wants lesser than ours? I don't think so, but of course every previous generation is horrified or at least anxiety ridden by what's coming after. We feel there is a loss of something we held precious, what we held dear. This newest generation is what I see in my cousin, as he plays minecraft incessantly, no longer a young child he still fervently plays as a young teen. A younger generation at a camp I was a staffer for looked to Call of Duty Ghosts as the "best game she's ever played" and there wasn't much I could say. There were some of us who had differing opinions, but most of those her age or even younger believed it to be true. So, perhaps we're dealing with a new generation making their wants and needs known, but this certainly doesn't mean we should shut up and watch from aside.

With this not talked about newer genre of triple A gaming stabilizing a sedentary hold within the community we have the indie games. Thousands of creators have taken to Steam...and erm...GOG and pretty much any private domain to voice their hopes that the "olde school" gaming never dies. Where there's a resurgence of pixelated 8-bit goodness and intense story telling. Where many see the newer mega release games of present day lacking in content and story, the indie developers respond. Where the newer generation marches forward with no stratified stories and more emphasis at carving out an electronic niche, another generation continues to decry major games with less focus on story and plot.

The Then's, from this person's personal experience, have always agreed at not expecting games to take such a massive and solidified roll in the community.The Millennials marched onwards with thoughts of great and graphically majestic games paving their road for them. Then the Now's have taken every conceivable path in every direction to construct and create their own small abodes in a virtual world that started as barely a graphic on a cathode and vacuum tubed screen.

SO! That all being said, perhaps there is a generation that is remaining relatively silent and buying these newer generational games in mass quantity. (Though some certainly aren't quiet by any means) Perhaps the newer games are doing exactly what the, quickly becoming majority, newer generation wants. Where the newer generation doesn't necessarily denigrate or shy away from story but are more apt to more towards crafting, settlement building and all variants of that game which really did seem to change so much...but if minecraft never came about perhaps another would have, perhaps.

While so many individuals will berate or scream against such notions, it will be the majority that speaks loudest. In the end while many separate Newer Generational's may denounce such notions, it is the millions that will move the markets. Sadly, in the end, it is the margins, the money and profits, that will speak more than anything else.

The Now's are asking for a certain type of gaming that the previous generations may not agree with. It has them scared as hell, and when people get scared they lash out. Who know's which is right and which is wrong, or if there is such a notion in such an age? Perhaps the gaming publishers and massive Triple A game industries are doing exactly what the majority are crying for, and we just aren't seeing the bigger picture. Perhaps another generation will come along and make story the prime driving force, or perhaps it will be something else completely unforeseeable. Either way I will be immensely curious to see which avenue, of the trillions, it goes down, and wonder just as I am now, about where its heading. I just had to throw my hat into the ring, for all the negativity being barked, perhaps there are more silent, or less silent, masses that are completely fine with what's being created.

We shall see...

Opinions are not what make us, us. Opinions are simplistic objects to be placed in boxes, and if proven wrong it does not hurt us intrinsically and can easily be changed. My opinions are just that, to be completely wrong will not bring tears rather a nod of acceptance and a shift of opinion. Thank you CGP Grey.

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