Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Red Sage's story continued...

The Story beside the fire

        The north mountain? Well within the lands of Seigi No Ha there are three great mountains. These mountains are called "The Great Elder Mountains." Nestled in the center of the three is the Yojinbukai castle, you are on the road headed for that capital city and castle. A beautiful place I have visited often in my travels. The north mountain stands alone whereas the other two stand side by side, the mountains that is. So, the Violet Shade had journeyed within the northern lone mountain. Known by the master Ki as, Yama No Kuro. I have a great deal more to say, but then there is also a great deal more Raike if your thirst is not quenched. As a sage of the red scarf, it is my pleasure and duty to spread the tales of mythical heroes. So, let us continue with the story of the Violet Shade, and see where her journey takes her before she left for the western frozen bronze realm...

        Her eyes looked within the interminable darkness. Suiren crouched low and watched in silence. A drip of water in a far off corner and a tumble of pebbles were all that sounded in the blackness. Her muscles tensed and her toes gripped in her tightly bound shoes. Springing as a cat, Suiren leapt to the side, but a sharp edge still caught her in the right arm. Managing to keep her roll steady Suiren felt the slow dribble of warm blood on her arm. A soft tsk tsking noise  filtered through the silent darkness. Suiren's brow lowered as she could form a clear picture of her master Ki shaking her head in disappointment. Her hand grew cold and her breath came in cold huffs as Suiren's ire began to rise. Her ability to see in the dark was nowhere near as refined as master Ki, but that didn't mean she didn't have her own tricks.
        Slipping her shoes off she felt the jagged rocks dig into her feet. Suiren didn't seem to notice as she imparted a small spell upon her shoes. the spell would last only seconds but it would, with luck, last long enough. Splaying her legs wide and bending low to the ground, Suiren withdrew the chain with two weights at the end. The shoes shot off in a random direction and Suiren waited only for a second or two. Springing off in an arc Suiren hoped to catch master Ki as she attempted to track the noise of her shoes running off. 
        Only a second passed where Suiren saw what she assumed to be the slight shift of clothing. Her eyes could be playing tricks on her but her eyes were sharper than most elves, especially that of humans. Without a second thought Suiren flung the chain snare out in the direction. The chain caught around something and Suiren heard a loud "Oof!" As the young elven apprentice began to celebrate the almost invisible form of master Ki flopped on the ground and exploded into a mass of white mist. The torches which had been extinguished for this exercise roared to life. Behind Suiren master Ki stood with a tanto, a razor sharp curved dagger, across her throat. 
        "Not a bad ploy. Good use of low level magic so not to expose yourself to magic casters and a novel use of deception."
        "But I failed," Suiren grumbled, "and you had the upper hand the entire time. That's nearly a hundred times more you've foiled me than I've ever managed to even get the drop on you."
        "Suiren, your sight is infuriatingly short. How long have we been here, in this Yama No Kuro?" By now master Ki had sheathed her tanto and stood before the disheveled elven apprentice. A look of annoyance spread over master Ki's countenance.
        "It's been a year now, an entire year. We've explored every single section, every nook, every cubby hole. We've met with every single monk, temple, small village and random house. I've picked countless spices, herbs, inspected rocks. I suspect that at some point I'll literally meld with the stone and-"
        "Yes! Now you begin to understand." Master Ki looked on with rapt appreciation.
        "What?! You want me to become part of the mountain?" Master Ki's face shifted from content to annoyance again.
        "I see you still suffer from literal thinking. No, I want you to become the mountain in a certain sense. I see you are still somewhat confused. When you travel to a foreign land and are no longer under my tutelage what will you do?"
        "A foreign land? But I am a branch family member..."
        "Suiren, humor me. Say you travel to the FriizNacht Woods. How would you practice your craft? How would you meld with the shadows, use deception and sleight of hand. Most of all how would you utilize stealth in the land itself? Hiding in shadow is not enough, hiding behind a rock is not enough."
        "I will use my smoke bombs and flash powder."
        "And if the enemy is immune to these things, then what?" Master Ki stood there, arms crossed.
        "Then," Suiren becoming frustrated blurted out, "Then I will fail and then what's the point?!"
        "Suiren," Master Ki began, "you have much more to learn. It is that defeatist attitude which will get you into more trouble than save you. You may roll your eyes but you most come to learn a terrain so well that you feel you are indeed becoming part of it. You have picked countless herbs, spoken with countless people, trained and bled and sweated on this mountain. Now, now I will show you rather than talk. Words are cheap in the face of action. Suiren, go to the plateau of the abandoned hamlet of Kotake. There at the later afternoon hour ring the ancient copper bell four times. Do this and all this time training will become more obvious."
        Master Ki did not wait for Suiren's answer, she vanished in a puff of white mist. Suiren stood dumbfounded but shook her head in resignation. This had not been, nor would be, the only time master Ki had vanished without letting Suiren inquire or comment. The young Suiren walked without the cavern mouth and into the blustery cold winds. Her hair flipped in different directions and gathering up her robe and tying her scarf about her face, Suiren trod off. The wind bit through her clothes to sap the warmth from her body. After an hour of hiking and trekking the young ninja arrived back at camp.
        The small stone cottage was set within the side of the mountain upon a sheer cliff shelf. After a year's time the climb and trek had become as second nature. Suiren didn't notice how her breath no longer came in labored gasps. How when she walked it was with nimble feet and little caring for the sudden changes in wind. Suiren did not notice how she seemed almost to dance along the mountain as she sprang up the shelf and closed the heavy brass door behind her.
        She had spent a long time within and without the mountain. Through labyrinth's of rock and obstacles of great spires she had flung herself with little care. Master Ki would berate her for the blithe and foolhardy way she would approach obstacles. Old habits were hard to kill, and images of dispatching vandals and brigands with the same carefree manner filled her mind. She sat upon a small bench before the fire coaxing more life out of the flames. The morning hour had only just begun to shift into midmorning.
        Warming a damp towel before the fire the young ninja cleaned the dried blood from her arm. Wincing as she tied it with a taut firmness about her wound she shoveled the rice into her mouth. Satiating herself she prepped herself for the trek to Kotake. The village had long been abandoned many decades before. No one had deemed it worthy, or wise, of resettlement. So a lone hamlet, amongst many actually, sat quietly as though in reverence of Yama no Kuro. The curved gabled roofs had fallen apart and the thick boarded walls had fallen apart. Most of the buildings, though in disrepair, still stood. A testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the people of Seigi No Ha.
        Suiren stood and made a last check of her supplies. Re-honed daggers, shurikens, kunai. A fresh pouch of metal pebbles for precise ranged attacks and her purple and dark colored robes restitched. Her sandals were in a sad state of affairs but she managed to repair most of the egregious holes. She drew her hair back in a tight bun and wrapped her long dark purple scarf multiple times around her face. Donning a large thick lavender cloak of stiff fabric about her, she set out.

        The frigid mountain winds caused her clock to flit in random directions. The young ninja grasped the thick cloak by the sides in a desperate attempt to keep a shell of warmth around her. She managed to pick her way through the overgrown foot path to Kotake. Every so often the sound of a different set of feet would cause her to pause. After a few times of hearing pursuit Suiren feigned ignorance and shifted her peripheral vision to try and locate the follower. It only took a few minutes to see a thick furred grey creature following from a distant and darting behind rocks at any pause she made. The creature had thick black stripes and a mask of black upon its face. Suiren smiled under her long scarf and pressed on, letting the curious little creature follow as it desired.
        After morning and noon passed, with Suiren chomping on premade rice balls for lunch, the afternoon sun brought another onslaught of cold trade winds. Suiren looked up at the long and narrow stone stair case. Her face scrunched in frustration as she would arrive at the top and the abandoned village just at the turn of the late afternoon hour. Whatever Master Ki had planned, Suiren would be exhausted and have little time for rest before she had to pound on some old copper bell. The husky furry little creature had continued to follow her throughout the day. It seemed to be alone and half starved, even though its thick rotund body covered in fur spoke otherwise. Suiren had tossed bits of rice and dried meats its way, and while it didn't build an instant trust, the little creature had become accustomed to her random pauses and followed at a closer gait.
        Her breaths billowed out of her scarf as freezing clouds of air. She rubbed her chapped hands over her crisp cheeks under her scarf. The young ninja arrived at the top and surveyed the abandoned village. The buildings were collapsed and the wooden high archways at the entrances were fallen over. No insects moved or creature called out in this desolate and lonely village. The sounds of the groaning winds sounded off the different angles of fallen walls. Sweeping her gaze from left to right Suiren spied the ancient copper bell atop a bluff looking out eastwards.
        Lurching up to the stone bluff atop the mountainside hamlet Suiren gasped at the view. Below her the mountain crept out until ending in a range of countless hills and smaller mountains. Various villages and town littered the expanse. Small tendrils of smoke could be seen from the closer settlements. Dots of firelight began to shine against the dimming night sky. To the north the hills and mountains carried on for mile upon mile. Just a little beyond even her eagle vision she could imagine the hills and mountains giving way to the vase open plains of Kasorika. The mountain winds would be replaced by the cool sighs of the tall grasses and the rustle of different creatures creeping under the grasses.
        A heavy handed iron club lay motionless upon the ground beside the bell. As the young ninja bent to pick it up she saw from the corner of her eyes two small reflections behind her. Smirking to herself, Suiren stood straight and cocked back her arm. Upon whapping the iron bar against the ancient bell she heard a loud thunderous boom in the darkening skies echoing below her. As the bell let cry its hollow sounds a loud squeak followed the sudden noise and a paunchy rump was all that Suiren saw as the creature scuttled away. Suiren bashed the iron club against the bell three more times and stood there in confused silence.
        Sighing in defeat and turning to leave the young ninja heard a peeling cry in response. Turning back around, Suiren walked over to the edge of the bluff to look down. There, climbing through the air a great winged creature of scales and angry looking temperament was beating down on her. The winged beast had ash colored scales and the head of a lizard. Suiren had heard of dragons, but something about this didn't seem like what the tales spoke of. While they were a rare sight enough was told that this creature looked to primal, to mindless and chaotic, to be of the more intelligent class of dragon. And if it did share some familiarity with the dragon kind, it seemed of a smaller sort.
        As if reading the demeaning thoughts on her face the winged beast opened wide its maw. A coughing sound blasted through the sky and a great ball of black like fire sped towards her. Just managing to leap back reflexively, Suiren saw four more balls of black fire speed up over the bluff. The beast screamed up at her and the sounds of the leathery wings beating against the cold mountain wind made Suiren's ears twitch. The young ninja looked around for a second and sprinted for a nearby collapsed house. As she crouched before a still-standing wall a great swooping shadow appeared.
        Suiren gazed in wonder through a hole in the wall. the dark scaled creature had no arms save for its wings. Its thick muscled legs tucked under its body. The silvery white eyes flicked in different directions looking for its prey. Suiren did not see any intelligence behind those primal eyes. this creature could not be a dragon of lore, yet it shared similarities to the legendary creatures. This must be a more brutal offspring or subspecies of the usually regal scaled beings.
        The silver eyes snapped at the two elven eyes peering through a hole in the wall. The young ninja almost didn't jump in time as another ball of black fire shattered the remnant wall and burned stone. While crouched behind new cover and using the shadows as best she could Suiren flung a dagger at the creature. The beast seemed to dodge the far flung dagger with ease. Suired whisper shouted a curse from behind her cover. She used the shadows well enough and the cover provided ample stealth, yet the beast seemed to know where she hid.
        For what felt like hours, and could only be minutes, the two faced off. Suiren dodged and danced away while the beast hurled more and more balls of black fire. Exhausted, gasping for breath, strands of hair hanging loose from her bun and her scarf dangling in front of her, Suiren became more desperate. Another ball of black fire, she managed to leap away but a stone which had been picked up by the force blasted into her torso. She felt the air escape her lungs and managed to drag herself behind cover as another blast left a crater beside the young ninja. A resigned smile etched itself against Suiren's haggard appearance. She wouldn't be as lucky as the last time, her luck and dexterity would end. The black fire seemed to sap the energy from her, even when not hit directly some sort of magic worked against her. As an elf she always had a wellspring of energy and stamina, thought not at this juncture.
        After moments drifted by and all she could hear was the leathery wings expanding and contracting she quieted her mind. Closing her eyes she felt her fingers curl against the loose gravel and dirt on the ground. The soil spoke to her, a silent chorus, a scrape of rock. The earth was whispering and after feeling defeated and exhausted she opened her mind and ears. The rigidity and fluidity of the earth, the life of it all, moved through her. Time slowed, the wind swirled about her in sluggish movements. The wings of the beast flapped slower than before.
        A low toned roar echoed from the beast as another ball of fire came searing towards her. Suiren acted not as a set of movements, but as one flowing motion amidst the gravel. She pushed off from a thick rock and slid. In that moment she flicked two shurikens at the beast which reacted as lazily as it did with the daggers. Without halting her momentum she rolled once and bringing her legs up beneath her sprang out like a grasshopper. As she reached the collapsing roof of a small shack she flung four shurikens from under her sleeves which the best had to actually buffet itself about to avoid. Outrunning the collapsing roof she pulled two longer bladed daggers from her back under her thick belt about her robe.
        It all seemed to happen in one continuous flowing motion. For a brief instant time came to almost a determinable stop. With both daggers aimed out and down like the fangs of a serpent Suiren snapped the daggers down. The points burrowed into the long neck of the reptilian beast and greenish blackish ooze poured from the gaping wounds. The wings went rigid as the creature let out a cacophonous cry and began to plummet towards the ground. Without thought, without planning Suiren brought her legs up again and as she pushed off she tore the daggers back, shearing the head from the beast. She back flipped and landed with a soft thud upon the edge of the bluff. The head of the beast caromed off the bell and with a sickening sound thudded against the ground. The tongue hang loose from the open maw of the dead creature. The body fell as a stone through the long fall and splattered against the rocks at the bottom.
        Suiren smiled and turned about to see Master Ki watching with noted acceptance. The young ninja chortled and as she began to speak passed from conscious onto the solid ground of the bluff. The last image Suiren saw was Master Ki walking up and hearing her say,
        "Well done Suiren. You heard the song of Entrathia, the soil and ground spoke to you, and you listened. Well done..." Suiren heard no more as she passed from consciousness. A smile splayed across her chapped lips...


        You know as I realize that this is fanfic of my characters, and I try and remain faithful to their stories I wonder if they would enjoy this or not? Would they be offended that I take some writer liberties? Will I be looked at with embarrassment for the seemingly strange act of fanfic writing? I love to write and do it fucking often, but that does not mean I SHOULD do it at times. Of course if I'm writing fanfic for someone and they ask me to stop or don't appreciate it, well of course I'll stop. Then I find myself asking if my friends would be forward enough to do such a thing...? Do  I create a wall of kindness that arrests others from being blatantly obvious? Are we doomed to humble brag about lack of sleep and over exertion of work? All these things I take into account. I suppose time will tell...though the bitch, time, certainly has been very UNtelling lately.
        Anyways, I enjoyed writing it and we'll see what's next in store for the agile and training Suiren. Also, for a note of reference I think Suiren began her epic journey into the Frozen Bronze Realm at the age of 26? 27? If I'm not mistaken, hopefully someone will correct me. Of course that someone being the creator and ultimate say on the Violet Shade. :)

Roll roll rooollll that D20!

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Sage continues his story

A story beside a fire

        Aye, the porridge may be lacking in taste but it is warm and the spices are fresh. Now that you have eaten your fill let me remove this small cauldron here. With the fire fed more logs you can picture the dance of the Violet Shade in the dance of the flames. The smoke, if you can see, will act as the blades, the words, the whispers which glide along the gusts of wind which reach us. The night is young and still this tale is naught told in hardly a sliver. A bit of Raike to warm the heart and settle the mind. Now, this adoptive terror was skilled in the ways of shadowmancy, but she is as a drop of water among many. And as with all people's of the Yojinbukai Castle, word travels swiftly...

A test from a woman of shadow
        Her cheeks puffed out as she exhaled in resignation. For almost an hour she had listened to her mother's jabbering. Her father sat in silence and nodded every so often. Suiren could only sit with head upon fist and grunt every so often. Her mother, having berated her adoptive elven daughter for unladylike behavior, shuffled off in swift steps from the petition chamber. Suiren lay upon her bed mat and began to drift off to sleep. There came a sudden knock on the sliding door.
        "Ren, it is your father, may I enter?"
        "Of course!" She responded. A dignified and reserved man walked in. His black hair was drawn back and up into a bun. His robe of blacks, blues and golds shimmered against the candlelight which glowed from the holder he grasped. Placing the silver candle stand upon a small table beside the door he sat by the propped up form of his daughter.
        Suiren loved her father more than any other. Her mother had trained and weaned her but was bitter and churlish. Her sister was too busy with the responsibility to be the next head of the branch family. Throughout her entire life her father had watched over her and taken her on treks through the Great Elder Mountains. He had spun wild tales of terrible Wyrms and victorious Samurai and mischevious Kappa. He sat with a look she had seen many a time before.
        "My crass daughter, often do you rouse the fire within my wife, your mother. You know she does it only so you may represent us well and more than that represent yourself in high esteem."
        "She expects me to live as a fucking paper cut-out, as those damned birds she folds every day!" Suiren's father always winced at her vulgarity, but he was the only one she would speak with as such.
        "Perhaps. But one day we will die, and all that will remain is your sister and you, and whatever children you bare. There is some wisdom in the lessons she teaches."
        "You mean subservience..." Suiren replied. Her father grumbled and patted her upon the back. His soft brown eyes looked within Suiren's, he saw the resolve in her face and heart.
        "Very well my daughter. If none, not even the Yomikai, will bend you, then at least get the proper training. Wake tomorrow at dawns first light and go to the foot of the north mountain. There you will learn to better hone your craft. You have already proven you can slay barbarous thugs, but there is more than steel and blood letting. It is well that you have the ability to see the smaller details that others cannot. That talent will aid you all through your life." With that her father rose and retired from the room.
        Suiren flopped against her bed mat. Being able to pick out the smallest of details is a talent? I thought every person had such an ability... Suiren mulled over this fact before she fell into a deep sleep. And it was true, that while most walked through life with their eyes regarding the bigger picture, Suiren saw what almost all missed. Her ability made her a formidable Ninja before she knew of such rogues. For while the grander design of the world of Entrathia should be revered, it is the smaller details and events which move the Yomikai and truly make a deeper impact.

        A gleaming ray speared through the window to her right. Suiren shot awake and throwing on her purple and black garb hastened out of the estate and to the North Elder Mountain. She made good time and reached the foot of the mountain only at mid-morning. With slow methodical breaths Suiren swept her gaze at the different travelers and traders coming to and from the mountain. Some temples and small villages braved the steep inclines to be able to harvest the rare spices and plants which only grew on the Elder Mountains. The temples did not just harvest the great plants but also gave reverence to the great Yomikai Kodaiyama, who was said wandered the three mountains from time to time.
        The smallest movement. Hardly a cat would see such a shift in the shadow by a large rock. Suiren was no cat and her eyes immediately flicked in that direction. As she began to dive to the side she heard someone sprint up from behind. Suiren just torqued herself to the side and around to deflect an incoming dagger thrown at her.It sliced a massive gash in her hand but nothing fatal. The gleaming edge spun off as Suiren crouched low and at the ready.
        "Not many would have seen that misdirection, only heard it. Even then to twist yourself around in mid side jump, not bad..." A woman strode towards Suiren dressed in tans, browns and a grassy color. She blended in perfectly with the surroundings and gave the illusion the ground moved before her. And without warning her raiment's shifted from the color of earth and the land around her to that of shimmering blue, turquoise and sea green. Suiren watched the display in awe, and almost forgot the blood streaming from her cut.
        "Here." The woman said as she pulled the mauve face mask from her and tossed it to Suiren. Wrapping the cloth taut about her hand Suiren gazed in wonder at the dark complexion of the woman and misty white eyes.
        "I don't think," Suiren said, "I've ever seen a Fetchling before. Only heard of them."
        "Well, we don't normally advertise our heritage everywhere we go. We also prefer the term, Kaial. Fetchling is something reserved for the scum that pilfer and cause wanton chaos. You must be Suiren, your father has told me all about you."
        "So this is what he had in mind then..." Suiren said, he voice trailing off. "I am ready to hone my craft master Kaial."
        "I am a Kaial, my name is Aoiki. Ki if you will and do you even know what it is you say? Do you understand that this is not some craft as you explained it? This is not a mere play at swords or daggers. The training is excruciating, it will encompass all of your time, and it will pose a greater threat in your life than you could possibly imagine. This doesn't end either, it will take you entire life to master, and even then you will always be a student. You will learn the ways of those you've never heard. We are many and we are everywhere but the look of confusion on your face means we do our job well. We are the Ninja, and it is not just shadow we mold to our desires. It is the earth, the air, the very water which we submerge ourselves. This is not a mere trial of wits and strength, but of your very being. So if truly you believe you are ready, then come with me and let us climb Yama no Kuro."
        Suiren followed as Ki walked off. The Kaial's pace was brisk and it seemed as if she glided across the dirt road. Suiren followed with as much dexterity as Ki, but compared to Ki's, her steps were as a lumbering giant. Looking down at the bandaged hand, Suiren arched an eyebrow in contemplation. This would certainly prove a curious journey and they were only at the foot of the North Mountain...


AHK! I hate adverbs but I find it so FUCKING hard to avoid. I guess I should re-read my Strunker and White book, refurbish my understanding of grammar and such. Well there's another little short, though it would be fun, hope you enjoyed it.
        Roll thy D20!

p.s. I realized half way through I'm writing fan-fic. While it made me laugh to myself I commenced the obligatory shoulder shrug and kept going. What can I say, I enjoy the characters my players make. I believe a miss Tashna may be next on my list. Her story, by the gods, her story is intricate and so far fetched, how could I not!? And of course last but not least Leeland, I suspect. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016


        So the last post I made as a way to reign in the New Year. I think I completely failed in that regards. I had made the mistake of reading a critique on reddit, I made the even more misfortunate step of letting it get under my skin. I've been critiqued, A LOT, and told I "Sucked" SO fucking much. My most memorable instance was when I was about 12 and tried to play a song...and failed. Well ._____. this girl came up and was just like "Man you sucked, any who..." yep, I'm not newb to the harshness of...people. .___. BUT life irrevocably moves on, and I'm extremely thankful for that fact actually. SO!
        HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
        Really truly, this year, this year will be a good one. It wont be the year Odin grants me wisdom from the magic mead made by the dwarves, taken by the giant and stolen by Odin to give to men. No, this will be a good year. It will be filled with ups and downs. It will be a year of harshness and wonders and relaxation. It will be a year filled with some bad yes, but with a lot more of the better, if my questing and trudging prove anything from the years prior.
        I used to refer to a few years ago as "Ryan's dark times" and there was a certain sense of truth to that. Perhaps a bit exaggerated but there was truth. Now, now I can say with absolute certainty that 2015 was the year of hell, the year of "Ryan's second dark times." Here I stand folks, having climbed a treacherous and slippery rock wall, I am at a lip of this climb looking out at all that I've climbed above, I wish you could see with my eyes, for it is a sight to behold. Now I look up, there is more rock wall of a life to climb, but the most treacherous bits are behind me. There are more treacherous bits, but with a smidgen of more wisdom and a whole heap of more of boiled leathery like skin armor, I climb onwards faster, hungrier, with a stronger drive.
        With all of this, I want to begin writing some shorts on here again. Fables, if you will, of my world, Entrathia. My groups have been amazing and I've loved how well they've meshed into my story lines and plans. So along with all else, here is a little homage to your great playability my players, my captains, my lords and ladies. I will write, and though it may be to only a few, I write as though it is for many.

A Sage of the Hidden Empire
        Come here adventurers, I would share a story with you. Are you famished from your journey? Aye, I have a bit of rice porridge bubbling over this small fire. Fear not this night, the hills east and west will shield us from the cold winds. There we are, sit and warm thyselves. Now tell me about yourselves. Travelers from far off searching for hidden dungeons and catacombs in the Hidden Empire eh? Well you will find many, but you will find much more. I? I am a Sage, call me Kazuko. Kazu for short. As it is for us Sage's of the Hidden Empire we are bidden to share stories with those we meet along the road. The Atake Shozune's road is a long one. Let me tell you of the daughter of the branch family, of the Atake Shozune. She was the adoptive daughter of the branch family, an elf cast out by her true parents. Why, we may never know. But perhaps it was for the better, for it made her into one of the most legendary Ninja's in our realm, and the realm to the west, The Frozen Bronze Realm. Let me tell you about Suiren, and how she is known as the Violet Shade...

        Her arm shot out and with a flick of her wrist, the Wakizashi pierced ring mail, leather and bit through flesh. Blood spurted from the side and the brigand dropped his heavy mace and clutched his side. The brigand had a wiry black beard and his eyes glazed over in pain. Blood gushed down his sides. There was a sudden sound of cracked rocks as the teeth of the man split from his clenched mouth. He doubled over and his face slammed into the dirt. Suiren brushed herself off and continued jogging back to the Yojinbukai Castle. The three bandits that were camped out nearby the road had been dealt with. Suiren smirked to herself when she thought about the faces the Shozune Guards when they looked upon the corpses of the bandits that had been harassing the farmers. Her mother would doubtless scold her, her father would also yell at her but nod his approval when her mother woudln't see.
       "It is not proper for a daughter of the branch family to go off on foolish ambushes without guardsmen at your side! It will bring shame to us should you get seriously injured!" Suiren could almost recite the words her mother would squawk at her. So she was only a young woman of 19, but she was more than ready for adventure. She would bring more honor than not to her family by slaying these mongrels. Besides, the Atake Shozune cared little as long as there was someone that could keep the line going in the branch family to serve as bodyguards and backups. And Suiren did have a sister that was an actual descendant and not some adopted child.
        A group of four vile looking reprobates were walking towards her. The city surrounding the castle was just ahead, it looked as though these four were leaving after a drunken excursion to the gambling dens. Suiren looked up to see the sun setting slowly to the east. The great elder brother mountain of the north took out a small triangle of sunlight. With the setting of the sun the shadows would be thicker and in greater number. Suiren showed a toothy grin as she darted behind a small shack with a tiny water wheel picking up the water of a babbling brook. Pulling up her purple scarf and pressing against the wall she melded with the dark shade of the shack.
        "If that bitch hadn't been late with the Kettlecrust then my game would have been on tonight!" One of the scraggly looking men said. His robes were open at the chest with a great tangle of chest hair showing. Suiren's face scrunched in distaste as she looked on.
        "Well Kei, she won't be spreadin' her legs for any fucking man anymore!" Another with lighter brown hair and a long pipe in his mouth said. The entire gang began to roar in cacophonous laughter.
        "I wonder what the other lads were able to squeeze out of the lazy fucking farmers around here. Let's see what 'tax' we've collected today." The open robed man said. A sickly smile growing across his haggard face. He took a large swig from a mildewed clay pot and heaved it behind him, Kettlecrust spilling out as it shattered. Kettlecrust was the leftovers of the fine ricewines when the aristocracy didn't want any more. They would dump the backwash and spit filled cups and bottles into a vat, stir it up with  some Vidder root, and serve it at the gambling dens. Suiren always have to stuff her scarf with cotton if she ever went into those districts.
        Her brow drew close as her eyes narrowed on the man with the open robes. The four walked in a straight line, kicking up dust and kicking rocks as they trundled along. The man with the open robes was closest to Suiren. Then the man with the long pipe walked beside him on his left and the two others beside him. Suiren loosened the blade from her sheathe and crouched low, keeping to the shadows as they shuffled past.
        Her violet scarf was all that he saw out of the corner of his eye as a sharp pain shot up from his crotch. Blood splattered to the ground and before the man with the open robes could react he felt cold steel jab through his back and poke out his sternum. A flip, a slick of metal on flesh and the violet scarf whirled about and cut a find line along the back of the neck of the man with the long pipe. His head dipped forward and his head dangled by a small sinew of flesh. Blood shot out like a geyser and coated the dirt road. Her purple and black garbs didn't get a drop of blood on them as she moved on to the other two.
        By this time the other two thugs had spun about while grunting out a "Huh?!" to see a purple and black figure phase before them. The thug at the end was drawing his sword but the one closer to the almost decapitated pipe smoking brigand didn't get a chance. As his hand shot to his sword on his side Suiren flicked her right hand. Her Wakizashi sliced through flesh, muscle and bone as rice paper. The sickening sound of the severed forearm and hand thumping to the ground made the thug at the end turn a stolid pallor. The man with the severed arm's countenance turned a bloodless white but his eyes glazed over as Suiren drew a red line across his neck. Blood poured upon the ground as the man let out rasping chokes of air before falling upon the ground.
        "Wait! I have lots of coin, drink and loot I could share!!!" The last man alive pleaded. A musty smelling liquid ran down his leg and dribbled on the dirt road. Suiren only smiled, her lips forming a crease in her scarf. She would be a bit later getting back to the Yojinbukai castle, but she didn't mind in the least...


Hope you all enjoyed a bit of that story. If not, well perhaps as time goes on my story and writing will get better! One can only hope :3 
        Keep rolling that D20!

Friday, January 1, 2016

I'll keep looking up in this new year!

Hooray for the new year!

        I realize that the new year is only a switch of a number, that it is a slight shift in the planet around the sun. That this day is still quite in the middle of winter and so forth. I can almost hear the negative folks or just those trying to sound smart or self-aware barking out that this day is like any other. I think I've spent too much time with self righteous asses, BUT it only makes my new crew and my new endeavors that much better, much sweeter, much more of a relief to me. So truly, not just hooray, but thank the fucking stars for the new year, for 2015 has to rank as one of the worst. Now with the start of a new day it does not mean my problem will evaporate, it does not mean that the stars will suddenly align and all will be made right. But fuck those that always speak to the contrary, I'm more fucking relieved than I have been in some time. And I'm going to enjoy this feeling for some time. 
        There are a plethora of times where I've been attacked, insulted, verbally dismissed and the like. In a way I write these bits out to a nonexistent audience almost as though this were a diary, ehck. I want to believe that reading and writing aren't dead professions or dead followings. I will, and continue to for the foreseeable future, to write as though my players are curious. As though one person, perhaps, may be interested. If not, well I'm just here enjoying the very act of writing in of itself, and that's good enough for me. I know my players take a looky loo every now and then when I promise glittering prizes or act drama llama, but aside from that, it is a silent opinion blog with my ramblings of RPG elements and such, and that's fine too. So where I get insulted or attacked, well I say thank you to the curious comer's and goer's, I'll keep on with what I'm doing, just as I'm sure you will feel a desperate need to drink the haterade. Honestly, may we both have great years, and who knows where 2016 will take us.
        I feel like my next few posts should be critiquing the critique'ers, I feel like, IN MY OPINION, that criticizers are forgetting such a massive cardinal rule. No one is the absolute judge or end all discussion on a subject. I'll need to mull over this idea for some time, I think there may be something there. Well in any case, I'm ecstatic to welcome the new year, wish the best for the drinkers of haterade, lol, its a tough path they follow, and will keep looking up as I climb that rock wall of continually improving myself, physically, mentally...somewhat spiritually :).
        Always roll your figurative and literal D20 all,