Friday, January 1, 2016

I'll keep looking up in this new year!

Hooray for the new year!

        I realize that the new year is only a switch of a number, that it is a slight shift in the planet around the sun. That this day is still quite in the middle of winter and so forth. I can almost hear the negative folks or just those trying to sound smart or self-aware barking out that this day is like any other. I think I've spent too much time with self righteous asses, BUT it only makes my new crew and my new endeavors that much better, much sweeter, much more of a relief to me. So truly, not just hooray, but thank the fucking stars for the new year, for 2015 has to rank as one of the worst. Now with the start of a new day it does not mean my problem will evaporate, it does not mean that the stars will suddenly align and all will be made right. But fuck those that always speak to the contrary, I'm more fucking relieved than I have been in some time. And I'm going to enjoy this feeling for some time. 
        There are a plethora of times where I've been attacked, insulted, verbally dismissed and the like. In a way I write these bits out to a nonexistent audience almost as though this were a diary, ehck. I want to believe that reading and writing aren't dead professions or dead followings. I will, and continue to for the foreseeable future, to write as though my players are curious. As though one person, perhaps, may be interested. If not, well I'm just here enjoying the very act of writing in of itself, and that's good enough for me. I know my players take a looky loo every now and then when I promise glittering prizes or act drama llama, but aside from that, it is a silent opinion blog with my ramblings of RPG elements and such, and that's fine too. So where I get insulted or attacked, well I say thank you to the curious comer's and goer's, I'll keep on with what I'm doing, just as I'm sure you will feel a desperate need to drink the haterade. Honestly, may we both have great years, and who knows where 2016 will take us.
        I feel like my next few posts should be critiquing the critique'ers, I feel like, IN MY OPINION, that criticizers are forgetting such a massive cardinal rule. No one is the absolute judge or end all discussion on a subject. I'll need to mull over this idea for some time, I think there may be something there. Well in any case, I'm ecstatic to welcome the new year, wish the best for the drinkers of haterade, lol, its a tough path they follow, and will keep looking up as I climb that rock wall of continually improving myself, physically, mentally...somewhat spiritually :).
        Always roll your figurative and literal D20 all,

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