Monday, January 4, 2016

The Sage continues his story

A story beside a fire

        Aye, the porridge may be lacking in taste but it is warm and the spices are fresh. Now that you have eaten your fill let me remove this small cauldron here. With the fire fed more logs you can picture the dance of the Violet Shade in the dance of the flames. The smoke, if you can see, will act as the blades, the words, the whispers which glide along the gusts of wind which reach us. The night is young and still this tale is naught told in hardly a sliver. A bit of Raike to warm the heart and settle the mind. Now, this adoptive terror was skilled in the ways of shadowmancy, but she is as a drop of water among many. And as with all people's of the Yojinbukai Castle, word travels swiftly...

A test from a woman of shadow
        Her cheeks puffed out as she exhaled in resignation. For almost an hour she had listened to her mother's jabbering. Her father sat in silence and nodded every so often. Suiren could only sit with head upon fist and grunt every so often. Her mother, having berated her adoptive elven daughter for unladylike behavior, shuffled off in swift steps from the petition chamber. Suiren lay upon her bed mat and began to drift off to sleep. There came a sudden knock on the sliding door.
        "Ren, it is your father, may I enter?"
        "Of course!" She responded. A dignified and reserved man walked in. His black hair was drawn back and up into a bun. His robe of blacks, blues and golds shimmered against the candlelight which glowed from the holder he grasped. Placing the silver candle stand upon a small table beside the door he sat by the propped up form of his daughter.
        Suiren loved her father more than any other. Her mother had trained and weaned her but was bitter and churlish. Her sister was too busy with the responsibility to be the next head of the branch family. Throughout her entire life her father had watched over her and taken her on treks through the Great Elder Mountains. He had spun wild tales of terrible Wyrms and victorious Samurai and mischevious Kappa. He sat with a look she had seen many a time before.
        "My crass daughter, often do you rouse the fire within my wife, your mother. You know she does it only so you may represent us well and more than that represent yourself in high esteem."
        "She expects me to live as a fucking paper cut-out, as those damned birds she folds every day!" Suiren's father always winced at her vulgarity, but he was the only one she would speak with as such.
        "Perhaps. But one day we will die, and all that will remain is your sister and you, and whatever children you bare. There is some wisdom in the lessons she teaches."
        "You mean subservience..." Suiren replied. Her father grumbled and patted her upon the back. His soft brown eyes looked within Suiren's, he saw the resolve in her face and heart.
        "Very well my daughter. If none, not even the Yomikai, will bend you, then at least get the proper training. Wake tomorrow at dawns first light and go to the foot of the north mountain. There you will learn to better hone your craft. You have already proven you can slay barbarous thugs, but there is more than steel and blood letting. It is well that you have the ability to see the smaller details that others cannot. That talent will aid you all through your life." With that her father rose and retired from the room.
        Suiren flopped against her bed mat. Being able to pick out the smallest of details is a talent? I thought every person had such an ability... Suiren mulled over this fact before she fell into a deep sleep. And it was true, that while most walked through life with their eyes regarding the bigger picture, Suiren saw what almost all missed. Her ability made her a formidable Ninja before she knew of such rogues. For while the grander design of the world of Entrathia should be revered, it is the smaller details and events which move the Yomikai and truly make a deeper impact.

        A gleaming ray speared through the window to her right. Suiren shot awake and throwing on her purple and black garb hastened out of the estate and to the North Elder Mountain. She made good time and reached the foot of the mountain only at mid-morning. With slow methodical breaths Suiren swept her gaze at the different travelers and traders coming to and from the mountain. Some temples and small villages braved the steep inclines to be able to harvest the rare spices and plants which only grew on the Elder Mountains. The temples did not just harvest the great plants but also gave reverence to the great Yomikai Kodaiyama, who was said wandered the three mountains from time to time.
        The smallest movement. Hardly a cat would see such a shift in the shadow by a large rock. Suiren was no cat and her eyes immediately flicked in that direction. As she began to dive to the side she heard someone sprint up from behind. Suiren just torqued herself to the side and around to deflect an incoming dagger thrown at her.It sliced a massive gash in her hand but nothing fatal. The gleaming edge spun off as Suiren crouched low and at the ready.
        "Not many would have seen that misdirection, only heard it. Even then to twist yourself around in mid side jump, not bad..." A woman strode towards Suiren dressed in tans, browns and a grassy color. She blended in perfectly with the surroundings and gave the illusion the ground moved before her. And without warning her raiment's shifted from the color of earth and the land around her to that of shimmering blue, turquoise and sea green. Suiren watched the display in awe, and almost forgot the blood streaming from her cut.
        "Here." The woman said as she pulled the mauve face mask from her and tossed it to Suiren. Wrapping the cloth taut about her hand Suiren gazed in wonder at the dark complexion of the woman and misty white eyes.
        "I don't think," Suiren said, "I've ever seen a Fetchling before. Only heard of them."
        "Well, we don't normally advertise our heritage everywhere we go. We also prefer the term, Kaial. Fetchling is something reserved for the scum that pilfer and cause wanton chaos. You must be Suiren, your father has told me all about you."
        "So this is what he had in mind then..." Suiren said, he voice trailing off. "I am ready to hone my craft master Kaial."
        "I am a Kaial, my name is Aoiki. Ki if you will and do you even know what it is you say? Do you understand that this is not some craft as you explained it? This is not a mere play at swords or daggers. The training is excruciating, it will encompass all of your time, and it will pose a greater threat in your life than you could possibly imagine. This doesn't end either, it will take you entire life to master, and even then you will always be a student. You will learn the ways of those you've never heard. We are many and we are everywhere but the look of confusion on your face means we do our job well. We are the Ninja, and it is not just shadow we mold to our desires. It is the earth, the air, the very water which we submerge ourselves. This is not a mere trial of wits and strength, but of your very being. So if truly you believe you are ready, then come with me and let us climb Yama no Kuro."
        Suiren followed as Ki walked off. The Kaial's pace was brisk and it seemed as if she glided across the dirt road. Suiren followed with as much dexterity as Ki, but compared to Ki's, her steps were as a lumbering giant. Looking down at the bandaged hand, Suiren arched an eyebrow in contemplation. This would certainly prove a curious journey and they were only at the foot of the North Mountain...


AHK! I hate adverbs but I find it so FUCKING hard to avoid. I guess I should re-read my Strunker and White book, refurbish my understanding of grammar and such. Well there's another little short, though it would be fun, hope you enjoyed it.
        Roll thy D20!

p.s. I realized half way through I'm writing fan-fic. While it made me laugh to myself I commenced the obligatory shoulder shrug and kept going. What can I say, I enjoy the characters my players make. I believe a miss Tashna may be next on my list. Her story, by the gods, her story is intricate and so far fetched, how could I not!? And of course last but not least Leeland, I suspect. 

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