Monday, February 15, 2016

Well, now that we're through with that...


It's in the process right now. Let me give you a quick bullet point reasoning behind why it took so F$%^&ing LONG!

About a couple years ago or so...
  • My Dad speaking: "Ryan, I got this awesome new thing for you, RealmWorks. It's got a lot of good stuff and basically took everything the GM's have always railed for and gave it to them.
          Me in response: "That's amazing! I can't wait to tackle this bad boy! Thanks Dad! (Thoughts to self: Man it's awesome having a nerdy father, we can geek out on stuff and its totally our thing!)
  • Later on: Awww yeeee's here we go.
  • Opening the behemoth of RealmWorks: Oh shit, this thing is massive, so.many.options.
  • Later on: Fuck fuck fuck, this is intimidating. Time to hit the books and learn the shit out of this.
  • Binge on netflix
  • Come back to RealmWorks and read up on manuals and the borderline GameDev project I'm now borderline part of.
  • Read an immersive novel
  • Return to RealmWorks
  • Play games
  • Return to RealmWorks
  • Feel I've let my Dad down at how damned slow I am at this
  • Binge eat Hershey's
  • Binge watch TNG on netflix
  • Watch movies thinking about RealmWorks
  • Host games talking about RealmWorks
  • Read more novels, go to work, get angry at self for not using RealmWorks
  • A year goes by, never.fucking.stop.thinking.of.RealmWorks.
  • Tell Dad you're still trying to figure it out...genuinely mean it
  • Binge watch DS9 and Voyager, get girlfriend indoctrinated in the fandom of Trekkness
  • Think of RealmWorks
  • Read more novels and books and write like a psychopath, thinking of RealmWorks during
  • Eat a shit-ton of ice cream
  • regret eating a shit-ton of ice cream cause you're lactose intolerant
  • Return to RealmWorks to try and make a smaller little bit of your world so not to be overwhelmed.
  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Binge eat Hersheys while running fingers through oily unkempt hair as you try to tackle this bad boy
  • Another year goes by, STILL haven't forgotten RealmWorks
  • Lose job, get pissed, have more games while money dwindles. Think on RealmWorks
  • Friend kicks it, hate everything, fall into a world of books, writing and binge watching Star Trek cause Piccard almost "speaks" to you through show about life and how to deal with death. Think on RealmWorks
  • Tell friends you haven't (and you haven't much to their and your own surprise) forgotten to introduce RealmWorks. Think on how to implement this UI/UX
  • Girlfriend chides you for all the hype you build up just like a lame ass AAA game company and as such, don't deliver. 
  • Binge eat Hershey's and binge watch TNG again
  • Girlfriend chides you again
  • Get fucking angry at self, sit your ass down, dive head fucking first into the maelstrom.
  • Get involved in forums, read on manuals, slowly poke and prod the megladon that is RealmWorks. 
  • A zillion new features and updates, nod your head in slow appreciation for community communication by Lonewolf. 
  • Read every fucking line of the manuals, pore over the interfaces, do the arbitrary and sometimes strangely worded tips to understand this beast.
  • Get better. 
  • Get sick.
  • Start working on RealmWorks while sick. While writing. While looking for a job. While making a map. While trying to make times for friends. Quit a job after two shifts after almost crying 3 or 4 times.
  • Binge eat Hersheys.
  • Arrive to now. Finally getting things going with RealmWorks,FINALLY...
  • See that Web-Based player (which is the free version to use RealmWorks) hasn't been completed and players would need to buy RealmWorks.
  • Hit head against desk.
  • Almost binge watch netflix but begin to formulate plan, that would require money and some delusional thinking, but fuck it, I've come this far...

TL;DR = Binge eat Hersheys, always think and work on RealmWorks. I've come to a point where things are moving. A little distraught at Lonewolf not finished with Web-Based Player cause we players are poor and can't just make it rain cash. Figure that by the time I've got some to show, the WBP (Web-Based Player) will be somewhere done. This shit is happening.

P.S. When I do FINALLY make this shit public, it will be ULTRA alpha, in game terms, which means I will be (like Lonewolf) making a million changes and additions, more additions...arithmetic all day eryday!

P.P.S Seriously, it will be VERY in the rough. And I will desperately need feedback to make this serrated rusty tarnished knife a sexy sleek shiny one, i.e. I need your help to polish it. Feedback pplz! So like winter...I's coming...


P.P.P.S Thank you Dad for you patience, I never stopped working on this, and couldn't have gotten this far without you.

This is the site for RealmWorks, check it out for yourself when you can!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A break in the Fanfic'ing

        I've done this at least twice, I think, if not more before. I realize I run on at tangents, I realize I have abhorrent grammar, but one way or another I need to AT LEAST try to get my point across. I'm doing this as both an insurance policy to myself and to the friends I have in my life. I know I have a small modicum of followers, that Blogging is the way of the dinosaurs, but Vlogging this seemed too tacky to me, and a personal email felt as though it would be a personal attack. In no way am I doing this to attack anyone (cue Ryan's upward inflected disarming voice). In all reality I'm just writing this in hopes to elucidate a few things, to make it clear, concise and then move on.

        So, with that in mind I think I need to be as clear as possible, together. I feel, though this is completely my own opinion and many if not all may not share in this belief, that there is a massive communication hole in pretty much everything we're doing, to a degree. There are times I feel we miss a beat, and by that I mean that something goes unsaid or is said in possibly a negative way, that wasn't originally meant in that way. It seems to me that perhaps I have flooded the airwaves with TOO much communication and thereby have forced others to either halfheartedly coincide with my opinions or keep quiet because I've arrested them from being forward. I realize I talk and talk and text and email quite more than...well than more than I would like to admit, as in more than most. I feel that in talking and attempting to lay things out plainly for those to see I muddle the scenery and create biased or unshared views, even resentment. I want to nip this in the bud before it gets to a breaking point.

        I've tried to communicate my wish for those to be honest with me. To tell me if I'm rubbing them the wrong way, as in causing resentment or even tight lipped anger, but by constantly addressing this I feel I may have dammed up any chance for those that feel that way to express such concerns. Well let me put aside any doubts, let me not attempt to create some strange veneer of self fulfilling prophetic claims and then becoming angry after the fact. All things said and done, be forward with me about anything, everything. I'll listen quietly, I wont offer my counter points, honestly I'm more curious what any/everyone has to say. I feel that art of listening WELL, not just listening because people are good at that but terrible with the latter, is completely lost. We listen, wait patiently, feign politeness, then strike back with as much vitriol as we could muster in the time we waited.

        Honestly I feel it would serve for a WAY better friendship if we could all clear the air as it were. Honestly I may be fabricating unwarranted demons, I may be creating issues where there are none. If truly no one has a problem or communication is in no way lacking, well then I'm glad that my simmering worries were proved false. Honestly I love being wrong, most of the time, because it means that my viewpoints and opinions are detached from me and are just that, things which change and aren't my complete self and being. So shoot away, clear the air, and lets continue on with the fanfic, after a rousing and enjoyable conversation I hope!

Don't roll your D20, set it to 20 for an automatic Charisma success.