Monday, February 15, 2016

Well, now that we're through with that...


It's in the process right now. Let me give you a quick bullet point reasoning behind why it took so F$%^&ing LONG!

About a couple years ago or so...
  • My Dad speaking: "Ryan, I got this awesome new thing for you, RealmWorks. It's got a lot of good stuff and basically took everything the GM's have always railed for and gave it to them.
          Me in response: "That's amazing! I can't wait to tackle this bad boy! Thanks Dad! (Thoughts to self: Man it's awesome having a nerdy father, we can geek out on stuff and its totally our thing!)
  • Later on: Awww yeeee's here we go.
  • Opening the behemoth of RealmWorks: Oh shit, this thing is massive, so.many.options.
  • Later on: Fuck fuck fuck, this is intimidating. Time to hit the books and learn the shit out of this.
  • Binge on netflix
  • Come back to RealmWorks and read up on manuals and the borderline GameDev project I'm now borderline part of.
  • Read an immersive novel
  • Return to RealmWorks
  • Play games
  • Return to RealmWorks
  • Feel I've let my Dad down at how damned slow I am at this
  • Binge eat Hershey's
  • Binge watch TNG on netflix
  • Watch movies thinking about RealmWorks
  • Host games talking about RealmWorks
  • Read more novels, go to work, get angry at self for not using RealmWorks
  • A year goes by, never.fucking.stop.thinking.of.RealmWorks.
  • Tell Dad you're still trying to figure it out...genuinely mean it
  • Binge watch DS9 and Voyager, get girlfriend indoctrinated in the fandom of Trekkness
  • Think of RealmWorks
  • Read more novels and books and write like a psychopath, thinking of RealmWorks during
  • Eat a shit-ton of ice cream
  • regret eating a shit-ton of ice cream cause you're lactose intolerant
  • Return to RealmWorks to try and make a smaller little bit of your world so not to be overwhelmed.
  • Feel overwhelmed
  • Binge eat Hersheys while running fingers through oily unkempt hair as you try to tackle this bad boy
  • Another year goes by, STILL haven't forgotten RealmWorks
  • Lose job, get pissed, have more games while money dwindles. Think on RealmWorks
  • Friend kicks it, hate everything, fall into a world of books, writing and binge watching Star Trek cause Piccard almost "speaks" to you through show about life and how to deal with death. Think on RealmWorks
  • Tell friends you haven't (and you haven't much to their and your own surprise) forgotten to introduce RealmWorks. Think on how to implement this UI/UX
  • Girlfriend chides you for all the hype you build up just like a lame ass AAA game company and as such, don't deliver. 
  • Binge eat Hershey's and binge watch TNG again
  • Girlfriend chides you again
  • Get fucking angry at self, sit your ass down, dive head fucking first into the maelstrom.
  • Get involved in forums, read on manuals, slowly poke and prod the megladon that is RealmWorks. 
  • A zillion new features and updates, nod your head in slow appreciation for community communication by Lonewolf. 
  • Read every fucking line of the manuals, pore over the interfaces, do the arbitrary and sometimes strangely worded tips to understand this beast.
  • Get better. 
  • Get sick.
  • Start working on RealmWorks while sick. While writing. While looking for a job. While making a map. While trying to make times for friends. Quit a job after two shifts after almost crying 3 or 4 times.
  • Binge eat Hersheys.
  • Arrive to now. Finally getting things going with RealmWorks,FINALLY...
  • See that Web-Based player (which is the free version to use RealmWorks) hasn't been completed and players would need to buy RealmWorks.
  • Hit head against desk.
  • Almost binge watch netflix but begin to formulate plan, that would require money and some delusional thinking, but fuck it, I've come this far...

TL;DR = Binge eat Hersheys, always think and work on RealmWorks. I've come to a point where things are moving. A little distraught at Lonewolf not finished with Web-Based Player cause we players are poor and can't just make it rain cash. Figure that by the time I've got some to show, the WBP (Web-Based Player) will be somewhere done. This shit is happening.

P.S. When I do FINALLY make this shit public, it will be ULTRA alpha, in game terms, which means I will be (like Lonewolf) making a million changes and additions, more additions...arithmetic all day eryday!

P.P.S Seriously, it will be VERY in the rough. And I will desperately need feedback to make this serrated rusty tarnished knife a sexy sleek shiny one, i.e. I need your help to polish it. Feedback pplz! So like winter...I's coming...


P.P.P.S Thank you Dad for you patience, I never stopped working on this, and couldn't have gotten this far without you.

This is the site for RealmWorks, check it out for yourself when you can!

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