Sunday, August 23, 2015

Increasing the attendance to CON's, one die at a time

Gaming is a sanctuary, most of the time

        So I love to game, and it appears to be the trendy thing of this past few years. It will inevitably come to an end and then those who love to game and immerse themselves in gaming will be looked at as strange and confusing. It could be worse, we could be labeled (though places in the Midwest certainly continue to do this) as Satanists and worshipers of dark arts...luckily there's a larger community to block out the asshats hell bent (heh) on proving we're the destruction of all goodness. It would appear, hopefully, that my gaming schedule and running of games is about to increase by quite a lot, I certainly hope this proves factual.Gaming to me has always proved a non-destructive escape from the shit and anger of today, from news rhetoric to opinionated angst, gaming is what we all do to run the fuck away from the fury of it all. But it is more than that as well, it is a friendship building (as corny as that may be) endeavor and something where we (group and I) can make one hell of a memorable experience. Because life is nothing but a sum of our memories, as my father is always prone to point out, and to a degree it certainly fact it mostly is. So Gaming is a sanctuary, and I've gone off enough to prove, or at least show this to be a strongly believed opinion of mine. Well I really wanted to post a map or something on here so its not just me blabbing and posting a giant block of text but sadly I have little funds, at the moment, to go to a printing shop I frequent and get it scanned in (my maps are usually quite large so Kinko's usually doesn't cut it). 

        So, instead I suppose I'll attempt to update about my CON status. I am currently attempting to get a game approved by the great council of Pacificon Gaming Expo, or what I used to know as CONquest. I've been waiting for some time but with any luck my "Druids of the Exiled Part's 2 and 3" will get approved and then any and all who read this can come over and check out my game! I've been told, though I'm not 100% on the validity of this, that my games are enjoyable, so with luck it'll remain so! I've already had 3 people express interest (hey, they're friends but I still count them as totally unbiased players :D ) so if they indeed join my game I would have 3 more available spots. Playing my game or not please stop by and throw me a "hello" or even sit down to chat about GMing and role playing in general, I would love that as well. I'll attempt to post, when funds become a more regular and expanded detail, my maps and current projects and as always would enjoy feedback!

        To the few people, someday more perhaps :3, keep on rolling that D20,

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