Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A letter from Thrassia

I'm feeling a bit inspired here, between job hunting and feeling fucking crushed by my current job, I actually have the compunction to get some more lore and story out there for you guys. So, a change of pace as this isn't lore or what have you, but actual interesting to be had gaming stuff for the future. Let me set it up for ya'll!

Letter received by Countess Ellisia Rosenfal First of her name. Countess of the Rosenfal estate in the Northern Imperial Realm. Warden and watcher of Beasts Maw Bay, council member of the Von Aldrich Cloevia and holder of the Erdian Chalice.

        To the faithful member of the Cloevia Councilry and master of the Imperial North, I greet you well and in good manner. I am speaker and first magister of the First Queen Carrendel Gwynria of the Gwynnrian Empire. The 7th era has been both tumultuous and lucrative for you as I am sure you are well aware. I know I speak for all the great Empires and powerful families when I say we have been watching with great interest. 
        With the utmost respect and grace my Queen has asked if it would be possible to send a diplomatic service. My most humble and benevolent First Queen wishes to open some sort of negotiations to prosper as the rest of Eharlith has. Thrassia is ever a thriving land as always but the families have grown large and ambitious of late. Doubtless, you will receive other such letters from other pretenders to the thrones and crowns of Thrassia, and I assure you they are pretenders. Best to let their requests go unheeded in the coming years. 
        We will be expecting pleasant news soon on the courier carracks between our peoples. Upon acceptance of opening more rigorous diplomatic relations we can also make a preliminary oath to defend you should one of our more devious rivals try and launch a preeminent strike. I am more than confident all such notions are purely unfounded and you have nothing to fear, should you accept.
        All of Thrassia's, and other lands I have been informed, eyes are upon Eharlith. We, of the Gwynrian Empire, are ever a friend and ally to those that see the wisdom in our offers. I am certain we will be seeing more of each other in the coming months and doubtless, years.
        Humbly and with open hands yours,
        Speaker and First Magister to First Queen Carrendel Gwynria, Valleius Arborfen.

Letter sent: 7th Era 2nd Age.

        So, my pathfinders, I guess you glean what you will of that letter. I don't think I need to say that there have also been rumors of another Great Realm War, and this time people are saying it will be a thousand times worse than the last. Also that other prominent groups within the realms of Eharlith are making moves, possibly of course, to breakaway and make their own realm/region of power. On top of that the old families and empires of Thrassia are currently moving A LOT of supplies and soldiery around not just around Eharlith but within their own established borders..."established." Also there are rumors of the deposed peoples of Kyoshen-Xu making movements towards reclaiming their homelands, perhaps the people of Hidden Empire and Grand Dynasty Realms will use this momentum to...to do something...? :3
        Not to mention that the Dragon Rider Guilds of Alsanaan have been acting strange as of late and the golden kingdoms of Alsanaan (as they're called) have been wary of the recent engagements and struggles of the dragon riders. MOREOVER there already has been an invasion from a strange barbarian horde over the Eastern Mountains from Gevramia, supposedly a great barbarian warlord has conquered most of Gevramia and is turning his sights west. ALSO... (lol), there is talk that the ancient homelands of the northerners of the frigid wastes north of Eharlith is reassembling the old clans and Jarls into a monstrously powerful Empire, (p.s. never happened in all the Era's since the Ferzothian's left their old homelands for Frozen Bronze.) and that these new assembled Jarls have been speaking of grand visions of a unified northern empire stretching across Entrathia's Northern Regions.
        NOT TO MENTION...! That the "savage" tribes of the Hakarian Isles and Suvrythias are apparently devising terrifying ships of war and strange shamanistic magic and driving out their so-called "civilized" masters and migrants upon their native islands. And lest we not forget that strange tidings (pun intended) from the undersea kingdoms and empires have been overly active lately, that more than one scouting party has been sent to the surface to ascertain possible "trade" with the surface dwellers.
        Behind all of this ancient guilds and factions are resurfacing, the Draknorinar is back in full force, hidden organizations have been suddenly revived and ambitious lords and ladies, orcs and elves, humans and gnomes have all been more active than any have witnessed, even BEFORE the Great Calamity of Eharlith and before...

My my, what of what could be happening I wonder? I wonder if this will lead to Entrathia eventually burning away like an ancient text of forgotten history and lore, or these are the birth pangs of a new and glorious era...
who can say?

Vitrius, Varnun, Hegnara

Roll thy ye olde Dee twentieth,

p.s. completely almost forgot to add, this is all transpiring within the early parts of the 7th Era. Per Age, more has happened in the past couple hundred years than the seven thousand plus years of Eharlith's founding and so forth...

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cul'Toria Realmara

Victory for the Realm!

Hey all, so a small extra bit of story and such. I revently concluded a pretty epic and enjoyable game that did in fact end with a tyrannical red dragon, as all great Pathfinder games do, at times (though not always required, though dragons are fucking fantastic!).

So I have a little bit for the group that played, summarizing, ALOT, of what they did. Some things will be missing, and I'm sure I'll hear "wow that left out a lot," well I fucking know, I made it that way. Honestly this is a bit of a teaser/trailer to perhaps setup another game with the same crew, someday...

So frantic curses and swears aside, here it is in its shortened glory:

7th Era 2nd Age 80th Year.

A group of novice adventurers set out in an attempt to quell unrest in a small town, Azlunas. Soon they find themselves pulled into an age old conflict from a mysterious Raven Knight, who turns out to be an ancient Elven King, Vynkor. The adventurers: Thormond son of Harrod, Annabelle Sinclair, Chantili the Halfling cook and summoner and Cron distant relative of Bron, manage to win out against Vynkor and Thormonds resurrected father. Stability comes to the AuricZudan region, or as much stability that hasn’t been seen since after the Great Realm War. A new kingdom rises from the yearlong expedition of the adventurers. Though whispered rumors of a quietly growing cult and new nemesis filter down from the Shattered Teeth Mountains. An old enemy, as far as the old adventure group knows, has succeeded in his task. Someday the old party, or their progeny may have to deal with this growing threat...

Ominous ey? I rather like it. Feel that something major is lacking? AND I KNOW IT IS!!! Then please, by all means add to it in the comments. So that my 1 or 2 other readers can enjoy the true grandeur of it all :3

Have a lovely Friday all
Roll thy 20's

Thursday, May 5, 2016

About Alvurestos, god of challenge and order in Eharlith, and his only chosen...

Alvurias Creed: Fealty to the land and the down trodden. Safety for the common folk and for those in need. My blade is an instrument of death, but my arms will swing naught of malice and shall show mercy. A challenge met with strength and my full ability, a duel shall be carried out to the wishes of the challenger. I will safe guard the name Alvurestos, and bring purity and sanctity to all those desiring it as my own will.

Alvurestos is the paragon of order and duels, to challenges and struggles. The great god of challenge and honorable combat is vigilant upon his silvery halls in the Gleaming Silver plane and known for his love for his followers and even those that are not. For his way is that of purity. It is said that he is favored by Earus as a direct descendant, though those of Earus claim that the Orusanar cherish and love all their children, but Alvurestos’ standing and nature would lend some credence to the direct descendant claim. Alvurestos has helped guide and foster good nature within many a being, believing in law and mercy above all else, but realizes that sometimes the two come at odds. While Alvurestos almost always accepts any into his large group of crusaders and pious zealots, it is not often that he accepts a champion, or heralds a demi god to do his bidding. With so many he finds it not necessary to pinpoint one soul to turn his attention to when there are a multitude that are just as deserving, though that doesn’t mean he hasn’t had any.

 The Story of Alvurestos' Champion:
From long ago, just as Eharlith was newly found and new migrants had just begun to settle and find their way to the new and last continent, Eharlith was a land of great feral attacks and conflict. Eharlith was not by any means close to traversable without encountering wild beasts or monsters. A venerable and strong woman, leader of some of the first new migrants from the old lands, fought and bled for her people. This noble woman struggled to insure her people had a stake in the lands of Eharlith against the feral inhabitants.
There came a day that a great triumvirate of Ancient Wyrms came to pillage all in their path. These Ancient Wyrms were known as Keldahiir the black, Ondmurgyn the white and Defilŷraz the red. This wicked triumvirate of dragons of different lands found the invasion of the new inhabitants irritating and a good opportunity to increase their wealth and power. They sowed destruction and chaos everywhere they went, until finally they came to a small settlement.
The voracious Wyrms laughed and bellowed in amusement at the small settlement and with wings of terror and eyes of death they flew full speed towards the people, the people cried out in terror. The venerable woman known as Hypylina, stood against the three terrors and proclaimed herself and her settlement. The three dragons, curious by her steadfastness stopped in their flight of destruction and stood before her in their grandeur. Hypylina stood fast against their immeasurable size and again proclaimed her settlement’s autonomy and stake in the new lands, she then went on to challenge each dragon separately to honorable combat. Declaring that if she were to win against each one, they would leave Eharlith forever, never to return to bother her people. The dragons roared in laughter, but Keldahiir being as vain as any other Wyrm, saw a chance to not only destroy and humiliate this woman, but to break all the peoples of this new settlement, and to enslave them for their own ends, Keldahiir accepted.
For days on end they did fight. The shadowed horror flung himself against the stoic countenance of Hypylina. The people brought Hypylina food and water as she battled on. On the 10th day the dragon Keldahiir fell dead to the ground the other two dragons struck in shock and the people reveled in her victory, but she was badly wounded. Ondmurgyn stepped forward, accepting her next challenge regardless of her wounds, and they fought for another 10 days. As Ondmurgyn began to falter, in his fury and disbelief he beckoned to the strongest of all, Defilŷraz the red. Defilŷraz already embarrassed by Keldahiir’s loss, swung into motion. The two dragons released an onslaught of fire, ice, and destruction. Hypylina began to falter her legs began to give out and her arms would not respond to her pleas. All seemed to be crumbling around her. Hypylina’s people began to chant her name, they stood together against the tirades of the two dragons left, and in their unity they called to the heavens. A god had been watching the entire time, a god that was now completely entranced by the bravery, honor, and strength of this woman.
Alvurestos heard the pleas of the people and descended in his mighty avatar form, with gleaming heavenly armor and sheathed sword he stood before the small dragons before him. Ondmurgyn realizing that a god had come forth bowed his head in subservience, but Defilŷraz, the vainest and easily provoked, became enraged and charged the god. Alvurestos smiled and held up his sheathed sword, almost instantly Defilŷraz turned into a solid ruby, and falling upon the earth shattered in to thousands of beautiful ruby jewels.

Ondmurgyn fled in terror, swearing never to return and pronouncing Hypylina the great master of the three dragons. Alvurestos watched quietly and was pleased. Hypylina, seeing the dragon flee, slumped to the ground, exhausted and near death after the long and arduous battle that was just had. Alvurestos took her into his hands and told the towns folk to always remember the victorious Hypylina for her bravery, courage, and selflessness. The people never forgot. Hypylina resides in the grand castle of Alvurestos, immortal and ever vigilant, a chosen champion and paragon of the god himself. Those that die heroic deaths that reside in the Hero’s Triumphant Ascendancy are said to be met by Hypylina herself, as she guides them to their ancestors and halls of celebration.

I did promise a story this time around. I felt, since Realm Works is taking me longer than I had hoped, I would throw a few fables of my heroes and gods and such. Hope you enjoy, and to my players that have worshiped Alvurestos, I hope this gave you a better insight! 
Always roll 20's

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Well it's finally happened...

So as you all, the one or two of you, are aware I've had a new job now for a month and a half or so. Well that entailed just training at pretty cushy hours for fairly good pay. That's ended now, and as of tomorrow I'll be on full time. We all knew this was coming, yet I had the distinct impression, and something tells me a few other's did as well, that I would find another job with better hours of comparable or better pay...that didn't happen. And as I stated before, we do what we must because we can...or at least have too.

So, here I am, looking at a future of less than appealing hours but with good pay and something to keep me alive, and my S.O. quite happy I think. I'll probably be posting on here frequently, or more than before, to make up for lack of game, social time and happy-awesome-excited times that will most likely be null and void in the foreseeable future. I'll post stories, though I know they suck but mine as well eh? I'll post smidgens of info on Entrathia and games someday in the future and the detail of Entrathia in general. I'll work on Realm Works, as I have been. I'll do everything I can to make up for the lack of face time I can give due to changing schedule and obligations for rent and bills.  

I miss my 9-5 tech career I had, though the atmosphere became somewhat  difficult near the end, at least I could have a life outside of it's 9-5 confines. I can honestly say a future with that sort of somewhat regularity would be nice, perhaps the cubicle life we've all been preached is the worst fate man or woman could end up with, isn't that bad after all... who knows.

Welp, lets not keep this on the cadence of a eulogy or capitulation speech. I promise the next post will be some little tidbit on Entrathia, my shitty story perhaps or just something interesting.

See ya around my one or two readers,