Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A letter from Thrassia

I'm feeling a bit inspired here, between job hunting and feeling fucking crushed by my current job, I actually have the compunction to get some more lore and story out there for you guys. So, a change of pace as this isn't lore or what have you, but actual interesting to be had gaming stuff for the future. Let me set it up for ya'll!

Letter received by Countess Ellisia Rosenfal First of her name. Countess of the Rosenfal estate in the Northern Imperial Realm. Warden and watcher of Beasts Maw Bay, council member of the Von Aldrich Cloevia and holder of the Erdian Chalice.

        To the faithful member of the Cloevia Councilry and master of the Imperial North, I greet you well and in good manner. I am speaker and first magister of the First Queen Carrendel Gwynria of the Gwynnrian Empire. The 7th era has been both tumultuous and lucrative for you as I am sure you are well aware. I know I speak for all the great Empires and powerful families when I say we have been watching with great interest. 
        With the utmost respect and grace my Queen has asked if it would be possible to send a diplomatic service. My most humble and benevolent First Queen wishes to open some sort of negotiations to prosper as the rest of Eharlith has. Thrassia is ever a thriving land as always but the families have grown large and ambitious of late. Doubtless, you will receive other such letters from other pretenders to the thrones and crowns of Thrassia, and I assure you they are pretenders. Best to let their requests go unheeded in the coming years. 
        We will be expecting pleasant news soon on the courier carracks between our peoples. Upon acceptance of opening more rigorous diplomatic relations we can also make a preliminary oath to defend you should one of our more devious rivals try and launch a preeminent strike. I am more than confident all such notions are purely unfounded and you have nothing to fear, should you accept.
        All of Thrassia's, and other lands I have been informed, eyes are upon Eharlith. We, of the Gwynrian Empire, are ever a friend and ally to those that see the wisdom in our offers. I am certain we will be seeing more of each other in the coming months and doubtless, years.
        Humbly and with open hands yours,
        Speaker and First Magister to First Queen Carrendel Gwynria, Valleius Arborfen.

Letter sent: 7th Era 2nd Age.

        So, my pathfinders, I guess you glean what you will of that letter. I don't think I need to say that there have also been rumors of another Great Realm War, and this time people are saying it will be a thousand times worse than the last. Also that other prominent groups within the realms of Eharlith are making moves, possibly of course, to breakaway and make their own realm/region of power. On top of that the old families and empires of Thrassia are currently moving A LOT of supplies and soldiery around not just around Eharlith but within their own established borders..."established." Also there are rumors of the deposed peoples of Kyoshen-Xu making movements towards reclaiming their homelands, perhaps the people of Hidden Empire and Grand Dynasty Realms will use this momentum to...to do something...? :3
        Not to mention that the Dragon Rider Guilds of Alsanaan have been acting strange as of late and the golden kingdoms of Alsanaan (as they're called) have been wary of the recent engagements and struggles of the dragon riders. MOREOVER there already has been an invasion from a strange barbarian horde over the Eastern Mountains from Gevramia, supposedly a great barbarian warlord has conquered most of Gevramia and is turning his sights west. ALSO... (lol), there is talk that the ancient homelands of the northerners of the frigid wastes north of Eharlith is reassembling the old clans and Jarls into a monstrously powerful Empire, (p.s. never happened in all the Era's since the Ferzothian's left their old homelands for Frozen Bronze.) and that these new assembled Jarls have been speaking of grand visions of a unified northern empire stretching across Entrathia's Northern Regions.
        NOT TO MENTION...! That the "savage" tribes of the Hakarian Isles and Suvrythias are apparently devising terrifying ships of war and strange shamanistic magic and driving out their so-called "civilized" masters and migrants upon their native islands. And lest we not forget that strange tidings (pun intended) from the undersea kingdoms and empires have been overly active lately, that more than one scouting party has been sent to the surface to ascertain possible "trade" with the surface dwellers.
        Behind all of this ancient guilds and factions are resurfacing, the Draknorinar is back in full force, hidden organizations have been suddenly revived and ambitious lords and ladies, orcs and elves, humans and gnomes have all been more active than any have witnessed, even BEFORE the Great Calamity of Eharlith and before...

My my, what of what could be happening I wonder? I wonder if this will lead to Entrathia eventually burning away like an ancient text of forgotten history and lore, or these are the birth pangs of a new and glorious era...
who can say?

Vitrius, Varnun, Hegnara

Roll thy ye olde Dee twentieth,

p.s. completely almost forgot to add, this is all transpiring within the early parts of the 7th Era. Per Age, more has happened in the past couple hundred years than the seven thousand plus years of Eharlith's founding and so forth...

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