Friday, May 6, 2016

Cul'Toria Realmara

Victory for the Realm!

Hey all, so a small extra bit of story and such. I revently concluded a pretty epic and enjoyable game that did in fact end with a tyrannical red dragon, as all great Pathfinder games do, at times (though not always required, though dragons are fucking fantastic!).

So I have a little bit for the group that played, summarizing, ALOT, of what they did. Some things will be missing, and I'm sure I'll hear "wow that left out a lot," well I fucking know, I made it that way. Honestly this is a bit of a teaser/trailer to perhaps setup another game with the same crew, someday...

So frantic curses and swears aside, here it is in its shortened glory:

7th Era 2nd Age 80th Year.

A group of novice adventurers set out in an attempt to quell unrest in a small town, Azlunas. Soon they find themselves pulled into an age old conflict from a mysterious Raven Knight, who turns out to be an ancient Elven King, Vynkor. The adventurers: Thormond son of Harrod, Annabelle Sinclair, Chantili the Halfling cook and summoner and Cron distant relative of Bron, manage to win out against Vynkor and Thormonds resurrected father. Stability comes to the AuricZudan region, or as much stability that hasn’t been seen since after the Great Realm War. A new kingdom rises from the yearlong expedition of the adventurers. Though whispered rumors of a quietly growing cult and new nemesis filter down from the Shattered Teeth Mountains. An old enemy, as far as the old adventure group knows, has succeeded in his task. Someday the old party, or their progeny may have to deal with this growing threat...

Ominous ey? I rather like it. Feel that something major is lacking? AND I KNOW IT IS!!! Then please, by all means add to it in the comments. So that my 1 or 2 other readers can enjoy the true grandeur of it all :3

Have a lovely Friday all
Roll thy 20's

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