Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Well it's finally happened...

So as you all, the one or two of you, are aware I've had a new job now for a month and a half or so. Well that entailed just training at pretty cushy hours for fairly good pay. That's ended now, and as of tomorrow I'll be on full time. We all knew this was coming, yet I had the distinct impression, and something tells me a few other's did as well, that I would find another job with better hours of comparable or better pay...that didn't happen. And as I stated before, we do what we must because we can...or at least have too.

So, here I am, looking at a future of less than appealing hours but with good pay and something to keep me alive, and my S.O. quite happy I think. I'll probably be posting on here frequently, or more than before, to make up for lack of game, social time and happy-awesome-excited times that will most likely be null and void in the foreseeable future. I'll post stories, though I know they suck but mine as well eh? I'll post smidgens of info on Entrathia and games someday in the future and the detail of Entrathia in general. I'll work on Realm Works, as I have been. I'll do everything I can to make up for the lack of face time I can give due to changing schedule and obligations for rent and bills.  

I miss my 9-5 tech career I had, though the atmosphere became somewhat  difficult near the end, at least I could have a life outside of it's 9-5 confines. I can honestly say a future with that sort of somewhat regularity would be nice, perhaps the cubicle life we've all been preached is the worst fate man or woman could end up with, isn't that bad after all... who knows.

Welp, lets not keep this on the cadence of a eulogy or capitulation speech. I promise the next post will be some little tidbit on Entrathia, my shitty story perhaps or just something interesting.

See ya around my one or two readers,

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