Monday, May 12, 2014

A lengthy explanation, also some more intrigue

I suppose I'll add a picture with part of this explanation and some intrigue, as this is most likely the intrigue part, and everyone loves cartography. I have a new home! Indeed after scouring the internet, drinking liters upon liters of mead, flagons of ale, cooked turkey legs, and a large amount of pen scribbling, I have found the picture and site I am most happy with, with luck I will remain here for the duration of however long this lasts. I apologize for changing so abruptly after only having just started my other page in that Other place, but sadly it could not fulfill the needs I have accrued, with picture and blog. I was fearful that eventually my very lovely picture that was actually of RiverRun in Skyrim, would remain a remnant of memory as more and more of the tasteless grey bar overtook the entire page, as I posted. So! Here I am, hopefully to stay, and write away.
Now that we have that unpleasant business aside, I would just like all those that patronize my blog to behold the work that I continue to put into my map and world, roads and cities and towns that were not there before are springing up, almost out of thin air! So whilst the party journeys forthwith out into the wide yonder of fantasy and epic tales, there is a large amount of "You walk upon the AncestralKing Road, the large blocks set into place look weathered by ice and the unforgiving winds of the Tundra of Azulem-Num", that will accompany the party and traverses of Entrathia. For now I believe it necessary to make this known to many a people that play, or will play my games in the future, or even use my map, with me as a player, that would be quite an experience. It is upon player death that I now speak of, I am sure that the ensuing gasp or chortle is currently being conjured forth as I type this, but let's attempt to delve into this subject. I have had very very very very very few, and by few I mean an iota, small molecule, tiny particles worth of players die in my games; and of course I mean death, dead, no longer breathing, spirit is gone and refuses to return or resurrection isn't an option. I think it goes without saying that player death is *ahem* lame. As I play on, and GM on I feel though that an incurable impasse is approaching, there will come a time that there may be a TPK, though I shudder at the thought, or someone will die and their souls will be devoured in kind. I do this not out of malice, never that, though out of either story building, or to strike some fear and humbleness into the players' hearts. For too long have I heard the proverbial scoff at the possible impending death, with an air of grandiose bravado behind that scoff, by this I mean a haughty belief one will come out unscathed, or that if death takes place they can resurrect, or rectify the problem. The less immersed you are in your character, the less I care, also the less you are aware that not every temple is an over glorified healing hut, the better off you will be. Remember that death is possible, and I will make it possible in game that your players soul is taken away, with no "Ryan" luck points or "Get out of jail free" cards, be aware of the changing dynamic that this world has created in me, and hopefully you. Approach things in a new manner, a group recently had just surmised that they wished to tackle an issue without wanton destruction or "Kicking in the door" as it were. I admired their struggle to find a different route to take, a different path to trek. I understand that to do this you must be given the tools in which to act out of the norm, and tackle a problem with a new ideal or method, I will endeavor my gods damned ass off to make it possible, there is only so much I can do though. Death is always present, there is usually another avenue to take, and every new change in dynamic will hopefully give the players and myself a whole new perspective and kick ass method to winning a dungeon. This is not to say that squishing a skull here and there is bad, by Earus I had a jolly old time playing a Balor against my players, the way they fought and the stance the battle hardened soldier was taking, almost brought a tear to my GM eye, a tear of story awesome-ness. Take what you will with this post, it is only a guide and example of my thought process and belief of certain gaming elements.
Should you disagree, wondeful! Please let me know why and state it in the responses, should you agree, lets share some southfarthing Pipe weed, and be like Hobbits and share a tale or two. Either way, let this enlighten you as to the reasoning behind my creations and world building, not to leave out game running.
As always
Till next post, Roll your D20


  1. Whoa! This is nice. I especially like your RPG world as the wall paper ... It is now complete ... with political boundaries too!

  2. Yeah!! this is 100% a better blog. Also hi Mr. Wada, your legend precedes you. :)
