Monday, May 12, 2014

The Beginning

How can I truly begin something that I want to speak to my players, my friends, my own inner monologue, this seems a good a choice as any. There is a plethora of reasons as to why I am creating this nOOb blog as I am calling it, but for summary sake there is one reason above all else that stands out, for my players, and anyone else, to truly understand my feelings and motivations and standing on games, RPG's, and everything involving fantasy and so on. There is no wondrous way to start a long and most likely drawn out segment about everything involving GM'ing and so on, "I am born" seems a little pretentious, and "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away" is just ridiculous. How about, I roll my initiative, the D20 says 15, a GM's go to number.
Most of all this is a message to my players, friends, and all those that see this, all you sad sad 5 people that read this (attempt at blog humor) I create this to answer unasked questions, to define my thought process and creative process, the reasoning behind my sudden bouts of anger in response to a sudden change in our games, the work and updates of my world, "ENTRATHIA" maps to be posted (there will be pictures, oh there will be) and all manner of subjects involved with that. There may be a day I decide "Sci-fi has to happen here" and thus sci-fi or *ahem* speculative fiction as some writers call it, will crawl its way unto these boxes of text. Pretty much, I suppose, you could call this a 'whatever I may fancy blog' but more often than not it will contain fantasy maps, reasoning's behind why I GM the way I do, and so on.
That was a happy beginning, if I may say so, who's to say though, I suppose commentators and whomever, but here I am, with my funny icon picture that is a Tarrasque 'om noming' some Adventurers, poking away at my keyboard, offering what explanation I can as to the nature and reasoning behind all this. Ah! Before I forget and post this for time immemorial, or until my computer self-destructs :3, I ask you all to attempt to read all that I write, some may be dribble, and I will do my best to edit before posting, and if you're curious about my games, world, religion of world, politics of world, economy of world, and so on, this will most Definitely! Be the spot for it, and if you decide "Hey, that Ryan guy is a Pretentious Asshat" well then I ask you to look elsewhere and promptly go eff thine self :D. But in all seriousness I hope this adds clarity and a looking glass into all the games I hope you all have enjoyed that I have GM'ed.
Till next post, roll your D20

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