Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Distractions and slow workings towards something grand

    I have made it clear that I would like to attempt to post pictures with my updates, yet I fear I am running out of valid pictures before I resort to recycling old ones and so forth, I suppose that is a call to update more of my maps and draw more of them out. I also just realized I cannot indent, bothersome to say the least, moving on! I suppose I post this to declaim that I work continuously on, though albeit with a vast amount of distractions, my world and everything involving it,and the progress is promising. I suppose this post will delve slightly on my distraction base, coupled together with my intent with stories and campaigns, and the turns players may make. Let me make on thing stringently clear, whomever you are reading this, be it the small group of friends I have, or one or two observers, my games can and are able to veer off the beaten path at any point, if that is the desired affect. I have told my gamers this on many an occasion, and yet every event where that takes place I feel I am at times met with glossy expressions of seeming understanding and comprehension. I do not mean any intent of offense or any malicious candor, rather I hope this conveys a written page of proof and coherence that I am working towards. You can at any point decide to say "Fuck all" and trudge away journeying for treasure or glory or what have you. I have indeed prepared an epic story, but if it be not in this game, so be it and no ill will forthcoming. There was a time when I would be near the point of a nervous breakdown for I had prepared all these side quests, meticulously, creatively, and yet had failed utterly. I believe many of my players can recall this, yet since then I have kept my "Letter sending from kings or queens" to a minimum or on a broad broad broad scale, to a point where the entire group is effected or does not curtail off into some single minded side quest. This all returns back to how I have shattered the bonds and tethers that keep me grounded to a rail-roaded mind set, and am now free to allow free and absolute roaming, I have this continent of Eharlith, I have the World of Entrathia, go where you wish. Do the NPC's and story and other elements seem vague or hollow when you go off the beaten path? Is that a product of my doing, or perhaps the player should understand the teetering relationship between Game Master and Player. But this is a post to make clear that freedom of choice is always a possibility, now lets not jump to conclusions that this is what I ultimately want for every game for eternium, rather I just want this to be an understood notion. I am at the point that if the game suffers because one player is so self centered as not to think for a modicum of time of other players' fun, well it should be the players, and ultimately I, that continue on to enjoy our game, disregarding the usurper and erroneous player. The party chooses to go off the path, to say "To hell with this we want gold and loot" and so I shall make it so, but keep in mind then the story I had prepared, it will go to another party, one that wishes for a story rather than ground pounding loot hunting. Both scenarios, honestly, do not bother me to the point of tears or quitting, both are definitely interesting in their own rights, and I am glad to explore the intricacies of map-and-player-relationship along with the players. So hopefully this added some clarity, run off the path, and should it take you to death or the story had a better hoard of gold, do not look to me :3 (I am an absolute lover of players being the creators of their own demise, so it hopefully instills some wisdom and innovative approach, though I will not mire myself unto these grounds). 

    Four spaces will do for an indent, now as for the distractions, slowly but surely I am working continuously on my world, my continents, and the epic campaigns that will approach with the once-a-month-crew (Though I see the once a month changing attendees). I am currently enjoying the ever loving hell out of intertwining previous characters from other groups into different groups and games, it is creating quite the enjoyable immersion scape, and by doing this I am morphing the world around the players and creating back story and tales and gods and so on. So while this continues so do the distractions and outside influences, I am always attempting to write down or enhance my world, but sometimes a cigar is just a good smoke, and so I feel the need to vent and purge my thoughts on mindless games and so forth, which I most definitely do, just know that I am working as much around that (with added chuckled intended here) as I can, and am getting down as much as I can as well, it is a difficult process though. Understand that I created this continent of Eharlith about a year and a half ago (thought I started it then and I actually finished it last year January-ish) and only just got the world Entrathia and neighboring Continents created in less that time. I am struggling to get the story elements and world created, but let us not kid ourselves, that will not be finished........ever I believe, but I will damn well try. Candidly I would like to take 2 years, no bills no payments nothing, and work just on this in a Davinci like workshop, that to me would be pure solace, but alas, there is so much more to life than just that. So! While I am distracted at times, and on point at times, I think 4 posts (thought I'm sure there will be some more far into the future) is enough to expose that I am working on Entrathia, and making a world in parallel with running 2 games (another is soon to be, I can see that approaching), playing 1, working on my world, some parts of my world may be less hashed out. But in some cases running games in my world with my players, especially in the parts that aren't fully created, helps to create and flesh those parts out, so! In some cases having you play the vague areas of the map is exactly what I need to further evolve the world. I think next post I'll talk about players bemusement at an outcome, and how we GM's couldn't believe you didn't see it coming :3. 
P.S. To all people reading this, all snarkiness or fury that may be gleaned from my writings are not the intent...well some snarkiness is intended, but I still have just as much fun as I did when I first started GM'ing, though now it's become far more ingrained and evolved, much to my pure unabashed happiness.
As always
Till next post, Roll your D20

1 comment:

  1. Read it! :) I think I will take a while to be able to handle every sort of derailing in my games. I put a lot of thought into story so if it gets too far off track, I would need a way of generating content that is just as engaging even if I'm (mostly) winging it. Having a large body of backgrounds and world building to work with makes that a lot easier. I wish I had tons of time to write that sort of thing, too!

    BTW, usually on web postings, people just put a full line break in between paragraphs. Your spaces for indent work too though!
