Sunday, July 20, 2014

A nod to my GM friend and something within the city of Vjornstaff

        First off I would like to thank my fellow GM Walker for reminding me what this game is about, for the joy most people seek from it, and the fact that I've been taking it far too seriously as of late. With the creation of Entrathia I took the first tentative steps into a world I have never been involved in, I mean yes I would have made worlds or lands on small pieces of graph paper, but as for the immense world that I've created, this is something very foreign to me. With that I have been working as much as my spirit and energy would allow, there are most definitely days where video games and movies are my sole experience as per that day, but it is only done so I may find a bit of respite, recharge my mind and inspiration, and tackle the stories anew. The game I enjoyed the other night, was pure spontaneity and jubilant fun, sadly my father did now enjoy the romp around with us, but as he says "I just like to roll the dice Ryan." To which I responded in kind with "It's not always just dice in Pathfinder Dad, and nor can it only be that." I believe we came to an understanding, perhaps in the future he'll enjoy the ridiculousness with us, or perhaps on another game or what have you. In any case Walker certainly reminded that being silly, off the beaten path, and overall just sitting back and letting it be psychotically amazing is sometimes far better than any monologue or small caption I've prepared. Certainly I tip my hat to one whom reinvigorated such a notion within me, for too long now I've struggled to create a ground breaking soul moving environment, and maybe I'll have such experiences in my games, but in the end, this is for fun and relaxing good times with friends, and I'm glad I realized this before I became to mired in the overtly epic nature of the games I've been attempting to make. Now on to another far more world story related note!
The City of Vjornstaff (There's supposed to be a little up arrow above the 'j')
        Within the city of Vjornstaff there are a variety of different families whom run the show from behind the curtain so to speak, while the king or queen has the biggest say, it is the families which have the gold and the enforcement to "Persuade" most edicts and laws and so forth. For all those families there are 5 major families, all of them are not entirely good or evil, though there is one predominantly goodly family, and another which is mostly agreed upon to be evil. So should you find yourself within the City of Vjornstaff, take care to notice the crests and those that bear the names of these 5 major families.

The first family: Known as the BloodRaven Hegemony(LN), it is said that the BloodRaven Hegemony dates back to near the founding of the city of Vjornstaff, their records show they came into being 600 years after the founding of Vjornstaff, when the settlement had fully achieved its powerful stance known to date, and has grown ever since. The BloodRavens are a vicious and meticulous bunch, not truly good, nor evil, they follow their set of laws that their family has passed down from generation to generation. They are crude and known for the terrifying mental prowess, and though to most they are neither erratic nor chivlarous to the slight of piety, they certainly are a force to be reckoned with. The BloodRavens are known as the most powerful family, and they maintain some of the best libraries and reliquaries, having a powerful tie to the past and an eye for the future, though there laws are there to help them interact with those around the city, and to keep whomever leads the BloodRavens from becoming to ambitious for the families own good.

The second family: Known as the EndelCrast Family(N), the EndelCrasts have always had a rich and bountiful lot, they own some of the best mines east and north of the city, stretching as far as the Iron Clad Mountain Range, they are almost at equal with the BloodRavens, but what they have in loot they lack in the precise intellect of the BloodRavens, that doesn’t keep them from being a major house within Vjornstaff.

The third family: Known as the Throags house(CN), they are a vicious and powerful family, renowned best for their champions that are boastful in battle, and terrifying in war. There have been many family members of the Throags house that have climbed to the rank of champion in the arena in Vjornstaff and in the games within the city that are held to test one’s mettle. They are not so privy to lawfulness or even following their strict tenets, but they are a powerful family that has demanded the respect of most.

The fourth family: Known as the Wyrmancers family(CG), they are actually quite a
curiosity within the 5 major families as they are far more apt to show mercy and goodly nature than any of the others, partly why they are not looked at with a favorable eye by the rest, but that does not stop them from continuing on as they have. It is said they have been around nearly as long as the BloodRaven Hegemony, but there is a slight feud between the houses, and while they don’t commit open war, there have been dark dealings between the two. Wyrmancers normally dabble in necromancy and most magic that the haughty law abiders have strictly spoken against, but this does not make them evil, and theirs is a path to learn and study as much about the forsaken arts, while not using the usual gambit of sacrificing virgins.

The fifth family: Known as the Chimeradin faction(LE), while all the houses acts in accordance with their rules and how they maintain control over the city, and while the Chimeridins do, they act with a  more savage stance towards infractions big or small. It is said they are the only family that could incur the wrath of the other four, but it is their technological and alchemical strength which stays all the others hands, and the prominent force they’ve accumulated. They are known not to be held down by agreed upon laws and moral choices, their law, however vile it may be in any given circumstance, is what they follow, and unlike the BloodRavens, it is normally looked down upon as against moral and principled nature, even in the turbulent world of Entrathia. 
        So, there's a little something about the 5 major families, and a nod to my fellow GM whom reminded my the nature of the game and to remember the humor that can be wrought from it. I was glad to post this less than erratic post, as I know my last one's have been me almost to the point of yelling to insure that my message gets across. I think on those notes I've said all that there need be, and hope that people refer to my previous posts for clarification and for things like in this post, stuff about my world. Also!!! I will be putting all of my finished, or as far as I can tell finished, stories and history on my world on this website known as RealmWorks, I'll link it when I have suitably gotten what I want on there, or want the players to check it out to get a better idea of where they are. RealmWorks was benevolently donated by my dad, as being a full on GM and nerd is extremely expensive, and I've been dabbling in it to figure out the functions, when I have something posted I'll link you all and hope you think it is as awesome as I do, annnnd I'll probably talk about realm workds more in the future as well!
As always
till next post, roll your D20

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