Monday, July 7, 2014

Now lets take some steam off, and something to tantalize your thoughts about the future, VVH

        Quite the post that last one was, honest to gods it should be the last, we talked, we understood, I hopefully rallied you and inspired you, and all is behind us, now onward! I believe I've said before that I am currently creating one of my most ambitious projects yet, something which I am still working on this very moment, and something which I hope you all will enjoy when I reveal it, and when I do, oh it will be something talked of(Hopefully)! I've decided to make this post shorter, determinately shorter, whereas I've said this before, I believe I'll keep true to this, this time. I am currently mulling around the idea of where I will introduce this character and how, how do I go about introducing one of my most villainous creations to date? Well first of it will definitely have to be when I merge my two wonderful groups into one, something I am very much looking forward to, and honestly isn't too far off. Perhaps to introduce this person, I'll make it very clear how viciously evil and cunning he is, with plenty of backstory, all in all I hope it all turns out well, though that's the hope of any GM.
        As for the future I foresee the next game taking place most likely in Alsanaan, as I am currently in the throes of creating that continent, and here's a heads up, it will not have the same Realm Divide as Eharlith does, there will be regional bonuses, but I'm going to experiment with other ways to go about this, perhaps religious sects, or ancient peoples or what have you, something altogether different, and of course this will all be transferable between all the continents of Entrathia. As an example you could be in Thrassia as an Alsinian delegate, and have the Alsinian traits or bonuses, such as a foreigner, or you could use the generic foreigner realm section I created if you can't make up your mind (The Foreigner realm really was my way to give you something more neutral and universalist, in case you were wondering).
        Well along with continuing to improve my creation, and to work further on preparing new lands and societies for the great merger (I'll find a fantastically appropriate name for the coalescing), I believe that is enough said. Told you this would be a shorter post, I hope you all look forward to a revamped and completely badass character, as well as Alsanaan making its grandiose entry onto the world of Entrathia, along with ALL the other works I am currently immersed in.
As always
till next post, roll your D20

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